Twenty True UFO Encounters
Quotes from the Witnesses…4
Chapter One: Mother and Son Onboard a UFO…11
Chapter Two: The People in the Sky…44
Chapter Three: Interfacing with the Grays…65
Chapter Four: The Little People…91
Chapter Five: Peter and the UFOs…113
Chapter Six: The Earth Far Below Me…133
Chapter Seven: In the Company of Extraterrestrials…146
Chapter Eight: I Dream of Aliens…155
Chapter Nine: A Spirit, an Angel, and an Alien…173
Chapter Ten: The Blue Men…185
Chapter Eleven: Memories of Grays…195
Chapter Twelve: Elf or Alien?...204
Chapter Thirteen: A Love Like Never Before…212
Chapter Fourteen: Something That Shouldn’t Exist…217
Chapter Fifteen: Something Not of This Earth…222
Chapter Sixteen: Mother Mantis…235
Chapter Seventeen: The Alien in My Bed…246
Chapter Eighteen: The Gray ET on a Bicycle…260
Chapter Nineteen: Encounter on a Desert Highway…285
Chapter Twenty: The Alien in the Red Vest…324
About the Author…366
Books by Preston Dennett…367
Quotes from the Witnesses
“The tall one was still standing at the far end, and just looking at me. And he had a smile. I didn’t really fear him, but it was freaking me out. What was it? What was he going to do? Was it a monster? I didn’t know. I was shaking so bad. My heart was still pounding hard. But he would just tilt his head a bit and smile like he was happy to have me there.” --Richard
“I saw this man with long curly hair up to the shoulders, strong muscular arms, a very narrow waist, like a swimmer’s body, a perfect human body, and he was standing inside this rectangle. A man glowing in the sky inside this rectangle.” --Sebastian
“I saw a short gray entity, large head, big black eyes, small mouth, and nose. ‘You’re not supposed to be here,’ it said. ‘How did you get here?’” --Mateo
“I awoke one night in terror. There was a short little man, not more than three feet tall standing close to my face. It looked like a troll. I then noticed a long line of similar creatures standing all the way from this one to the door.” --Kelly
“It looked like a little gray alien. When I first saw it, my body reacted and I kind of jerked. And it mimicked me! I saw what it did, and I kind of shook my head and looked at it. And it did the same thing. It was kind of playing with me. It was really playful.” --Carter
“I never knew anything about grays. I didn’t know what it was. It could’ve been the Devil for all I knew. I had never seen anything like it. I never knew there was a creature out there that looked like that. I tried to resist. They had ahold of my arms. And they took me through the wall.” --Pamela
“I saw a brown figure. It didn’t have any clothes. I estimate its height to be between four and a half to five feet. It had arms that appeared to be long and two legs. Its face was triangular, smooth cornered, bald-headed with vertical normal-sized eyes, an elongated non-human nose, and no visible mouth.” --Abdiel
“I felt the atmosphere in the room change. Before my eyes I saw what looked like large and small ‘bubble-like’ forms floating around me. The larger bubbles transformed into ghost-like images of grays, with large heads.” --Norah
“I started to see something very slowly peering past the door. It looked like a giant overgrown demonic ape. Its mouth was spread wide, baring its teeth. It then proceeded to turn its head in my direction, staring at me in bed.” --Andy
“They were little blue wrinkly guys. Their fingers were very stubby, very fat, little square fingers. And their heads were very square-looking to me. Their heads and faces were flat. Their nose seemed kind of wide. They had a white wand. I remember them putting it on my forehead.” --Ron
“I have memories of grays in my bedroom, surrounding my bed as well as my brother’s bed. I remember my room glowing blue and these grays standing around mine and my brother’s bed.” --Alex
“He just stepped out of the bookcase that stood against the wall…He was just as tall as I, if not a little taller. His head and eyes were large. He looked like what I would have called an elf. He was not at all scary or threatening. He was wearing a little short jacket and dark square cut pants with worn leather shoes. His nose was round. He wore no cap or hat and was bald.” --Galen
“I woke up unable to move. There was a yellowish light in my room. I observed two beings standing under the door frame. They came to the foot of my bed first. Then the shorter one came up to my side, took my head with his left hand and lifted me up. ‘I have come to heal you,’ he said.” --Hector
“We saw a being covered entirely in black sitting upside down on the monkey bars. It was completely black, the size of a toddler, with a huge head. It was simply gazing at us. I was so close to touching something that shouldn’t exist.” --Cory
“I started to panic. It’s getting closer and closer. I don’t know if I’ve ever been that scared in my life. And then it gets right in front of me and the searchlight shines on me. I was just completely terrified. I was thinking, am I going to die here?” --Jeneva
“She looked like a praying mantis. I saw her face, and I saw her hands. She had long fingers. She was very skinny. She looked like a praying mantis. And she was very tall.” --Sondra
“He was just inches away from my face, just staring directly into me. He looked like a typical gray. Their skin was just pure white. Their eyes looked like they were frowning and mad. They had two little holes where a nose would be, and then just a little tiny slit where a mouth would be. These guys were scary-looking.” --Mike
“My brain was assessing what I was seeing, and all of a sudden, I can’t believe what’s wrong. He had a long neck. His head was really large, very round. And his eyes! Those eyes were so dark and so flat. It was like you were looking into a flat black. He had no nose, just two holes, and he had this teeny-tiny little mouth. I realized something was very wrong.” --Janet
“They were dark gray and they had gigantic eyes. They were gray aliens, round-headed giant-eyed beings, creatures. And with some of them, you could see the reflection of the moon and the stars in their eyes.” –Susan
“This black cloaked lizard creature came out of the wall next to me. And then a second one, and then a third. They came out of the wall…The feeling was so, so scary. I don’t think I’ve ever felt evil like that in my whole life.” --Melissa
“Just on the other side of the window, this guy goes up, and there in front of me is something…I didn’t know what I was seeing. It was what we now know as a gray alien, and it was just on the other side of the window, two or three feet away from me. I could see it from the chest up. It was in the bottom part of the window looking straight at me.” --Robert
This book focuses solely on one type of UFO encounter: people who have seen extraterrestrials face-to-face. They go by many names: entities, beings, aliens, ETs, humanoids, figures, creatures -- call them what you will. The fact is, people across the world are having these encounters.
This book presents exclusively all new, original, previously unpublished cases of people who have had extensive encounters with what most people call extraterrestrials. While this subject has been shrouded in mystery, fear, confusion, skepticism, ridicule and disbelief for many decades, recent steps toward disclosure by the U.S. government have brought great changes. The Pentagon’s admission that UFOs (or UAPs as they call them) are real has given this subject a level of credibility and interest it has never enjoyed before. UFOs are real. Extraterrestrials are visiting our planet. People are having contact.
The evidence for this is overwhelming. Claims of contact certainly do not rest only on eyewitness testimony. There are photographs and films, radar return cases, landing traces, medical evidence of many kinds, animal reactions, electromagnetic interference, angel hair emissions, implant removals, and so much more. Skeptics who claim that there is no evidence are simply misinformed.
I have made it my life’s work to research and study UFOs and extraterrestrials. On November 17, 1986, a famous UFO encounter over Alaska made international headlines. At that time, I was a vehement skeptic. I did not believe that UFOs were real. All UFO encounters, I thought, were the results of hoaxes, hallucinations, and misperceptions. The Alaska sighting (which had multiple witnesses and was verified on radar) inspired me to take a deeper look into the subject. When I discovered that several of my family, friends and coworkers had encountered UFOs, I knew my life would never be the same.
Could ETs truly be visiting our planet? Were people actually being taken onboard? Was our government covering up UFO information? The answers to all these questions appeared to be yes!
So, I began investigating UFOs in earnest. In the space of a few years, I had bought every book I could find, subscribed to UFO magazines and journals, joined many UFO organizations, and started interviewing witnesses and investigating my own cases. I became a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON,) and began writing articles. After ten years of research, I wrote my first book. Now, more than thirty-five years later, I’ve written more than 100 articles and more than thirty books, spoken at conventions, appeared on many television programs and countless radio shows and podcasts. But most importantly, I’ve interviewed hundreds of UFO witnesses and people who claim to have had direct contact.
I know UFOs are real. I’ve seen them myself, many times. I’ve even experienced a missing time encounter. There is no doubt in my mind about the validity of UFOs and ETs visiting our planet.
Which brings us to the subject of this book! Each chapter in this volume presents a case in which humanoids of some kind were encountered. These include a dazzling variety of so-called ETs: grays of various types, short blue-skinned beings, tall whites, human-looking ETs, hybrids, praying mantis, hairy dwarfs, and other strange humanoids of many kinds. Angels, demons, spirits, poltergeists, Bigfoot, elves (yes, elves!) and other supernatural entities also make their appearances. But I will say that each chapter does contain face-to-face encounters with what most witnesses believe are extraterrestrials in the classic sense -- meaning, biological beings presumably from other planets and other star systems. Many also involve onboard UFO experiences.
The purpose of this book is not to debate about where ETs come from, what they are, or why they’re here, but instead to accurately present people’s encounters. As the database grows larger, the answers to these questions become increasingly self-evident. The accounts in this book, I think, contain a large enough sample of cases to provide an accurate representation of the extraterrestrial presence on our planet.
It's important to note that almost everything we know about UFOs and extraterrestrials comes from one source: the contactees. It’s the people who have actually had encounters who know the most about ETs. It’s not our governments with a long heinous history of lying about this subject. It’s not from pundits and mainstream scientists, many who have never had an encounter themselves, or even done any firsthand research. Our knowledge and understanding of this subject come from those who have seen ETs face-to-face, been taken onboard their craft, and interacted directly with them.
The cases in this book are from men and women of all walks of life, most who have had a lifetime of experiences. This is a worldwide phenomenon and the accounts here reflect this. The cases have occurred across the United States, as well as Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, England, France, Germany, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, and Puerto Rico.
The variety of experiences and the high strangeness involved are mind-boggling. UFO contact is far stranger than many people realize, and it appears to be integrally connected to a wide gamut of paranormal events.
Encounters often provoke powerful extremes of emotion: fear, terror, joy, love. They challenge people mentally, eliciting awe, wonder, confusion and a search for answers and meaning. They affect people physically, causing both healings and in some cases, injuries. And they transform people spiritually, elevating and awakening their psychic abilities and awareness to levels they have never achieved before. The power of the UFO experience cannot be overestimated. It is, for most of the witnesses, a superlative experience on many levels.
It is my hope that the accounts in this book will provide not only knowledge and understanding about UFOs and the various types of entities associated with them, but will dispel some of the fear, confusion, skepticism, and ridicule that have hampered the progress of this field for so many years.
When it comes to UFOs, there will always be questions to be answered and mysteries to be solved. But the cases in this book, I hope, represent a small step forward.
Government disclosure is an inevitability, as is open official contact with extraterrestrials and all of humanity. Sooner or later, the full truth will be revealed. It can be hidden, distorted and withheld, but it cannot be destroyed. Hiding the truth about UFOs is like trying to hide the sky. It is doomed to failure. The truth will come out. And it is. Right now!
Chapter One
Mother and Son Onboard a UFO
Richard Simon was seven years old when his life changed forever. At the time, he was a happy-go-lucky child. Being the fifth of six children, life was never boring. His older brothers had gone into the military, so he shared a house in Cleveland, Ohio with his parents and two siblings. Life was good.
Then, at age seven, in 1974, Richard started having trouble sleeping. It happened without warning. One night, for no apparent reason that he could fathom, he just stopped sleeping well. He became unaccountably fearful of intruders. Nearly every evening, he would feel as though someone or something was watching through the windows, or waiting outside the doors of his home. At first, he didn’t share this feeling of uneasiness with his parents or siblings. Still, he not only had trouble falling asleep, he would toss and turn throughout the night.
His mother, Inus, soon noticed that her son was listless and tired throughout the day. Richard was at a loss to explain it. All he knew was that when it came time to go to bed, sleep eluded him. Instead, he would watch TV, read, clean his room or find something, anything to do except sleep. It wasn’t so bad during the summer (with no school,) because he was allowed to stay up. He could get a few catnaps here and there. But it became a real challenge when school would start. During the day, he would take short naps on the couch, just long enough to give him enough rest to make it through the day.
It was around this same time that Richard developed an interest in science fiction, space exploration, technology, robotics and related topics. Lost in Space became his favorite television program. In school he was something of a loner, and preferred to read, listen to classical music, or meditate. He imagined himself becoming an inventor and would draw pictures of his ideas and potential inventions. Once he gathered a bunch of wires and scrap metal together to make a radio device. He told his parents that its purpose was to talk to people on the moon.
In his early teens, his parents encouraged him to pursue his passion, and Richard’s drawing skills improved to where he could make accurate and professional blueprints and designs of various devices and machines. He was happy, especially when he got to draw out what he was seeing in his head.
However, into his teen years, when it came time to sleep, Richard continued to suffer from insomnia. Nothing seemed to help, so he just learned to live with it. Besides, it gave him time to learn more about NASA, space exploration and pursue his own inventions and ideas. He began to embrace the quiet late nights for drawing and thinking about the future of the world and his life in it.
At age sixteen, Richard was watching the NASA space-shuttle return to Earth when it came in for a landing and the front landing gear briefly failed. Concerned for the future safety of the pilots, the accident inspired him to design an invention he called the “E.B.T.” or Emergency Belly Chute. He carefully researched the topic, and drew up detailed blueprints. He then contacted the NASA office near the Cleveland Airport, and succeeded in making an appointment with Dr. Otto, who agreed to meet with Richard and view his blueprints and notes.
Two weeks later, Dr. Otto called Richard back. The designers at NASA were impressed. They wanted to do some more testing with his idea using models of the space-shuttle, and that if all went well, Richard might receive an offer to purchase his invention. Several weeks later, Richard received an early morning call from NASA. After some small business talk, Richard asked, “What would you pay for something like this?”
The answer was a staggering, “$700,000 per shuttle.” Richard was thrilled, especially when NASA requested further meetings with him. Richard’s mother got on the extension to see who was calling so very early in the morning. She heard only the last part of the conversation and told Richard, ‘This is a prank, Rick! Hang up!’ But it was no prank, as Richard’s mother later found out.
One day, Richard met with a NASA engineer who informed him that they were looking more into his invention and were considering moving forward with it. He told Richard, “So far things are going great. This will protect NASA from losing very expensive equipment if the shuttle should have another landing problem and could save us from losing billions of dollars.”
Richard was disappointed. “Well,” he told the engineer, “I invented this mainly to protect the lives of the pilots and the rest of the crew.”
“Son,” the engineer replied condescendingly, “these pilots knew what they were getting into when they signed up. We’re mainly concerned with the highly classified and private equipment.”
Richard was incensed. “I couldn’t believe what he had just said,” Richard explains. “I picked up my notes and drawings and said, ‘F*ck you! Kiss my ass!’ And I walked out and that was that.”
Although it was a lost opportunity, Richard continued his education. Later in life, he found work as a private investigator, and then a customer service specialist, and became self-employed creating professionally built models for private clients.
While in elementary school, he underwent a few mental tests that were given to students who were having trouble studying and paying attention in class. His parents were told that he was a normal, intelligent and stable young man. He showed no signs of mental disorders or instabilities, though the tests did show he was bored in class.
Life moved on. He stayed away from drugs and alcohol, but he did become a heavy cigarette smoker, sometimes multiple packs per day. But otherwise, life was good.
There was one strange incident which occurred in May 1988, when Richard was twenty-one years old. He and his friend Zach (pseudonym) often enjoyed fishing near Cleveland, along the coastline of Lake Erie. At the time, his house was only a short distance away. They spent many weekends and days-off this way. This particular night was no different. They packed up their gear and around 9:00 p.m., they began the twenty-minute-long hike to the shoreline. As they ascended a slow hill, they both noticed a weird effect they had never felt before. “We started to feel as though we were walking through an invisible force that seemed to slow us down,” Richard says. “We were kind of forcing our way slowly as we continued to walk towards the shore-way. It was like we were slowed by time itself, which was weird, to say the least.”
Pushing their way forward for just a few minutes, the weird feeling suddenly stopped, as if they had popped through some sort of barrier. At first Richard thought that he was the only one feeling it.
Zach looked at him, perplexed. “Did you feel like you just walked through a wall of water? But not wet?”
“Wow, dude!” Richard said. “You took the words right out of my mouth. I thought I was the only one feeling that. What the hell was that all about?”
They both looked behind them, but nothing strange was visible. They glanced at each other and shrugged. Neither of them could fathom what had just happened. They reached the shoreline and began to walk toward Lakefront Park when they both noticed an unnatural silence around them. Normally there would be distant traffic noises, waves crashing against the rocks…but nothing. The surface of Lake Erie looked as still as a sheet of glass.
“Wow, I’ve never seen the water so still before,” Richard said, tapping the water with his fishing-pole.
“Me either,” Zach said.
They reached their fishing spot and set up their gear, checking the area around them for any clues as to why everything seemed so eerily quiet. Another odd thing was that there were no other people fishing there. Usually there would be a half-dozen or more people. Tonight, no one was there except them.
As Richard lit up his propane lantern, he noticed another very odd detail: there were no insects. Usually the bugs were out there in force: moths, flies, mosquitos and more.
Where is everyone? Richard thought. He turned to Zach, “Is fishing allowed tonight? Did you see any signs? Is there a mercury level warning?”
“I didn’t see any signs like that on the way here.”
“Dude, we’re the only ones here. This is weird.”
“Yeah,” Zach agreed, looking around. “Well, that’s cool. We got the lake to ourselves.” He laughed.
They had been fishing for about an hour when Richard spotted a peculiar goldish-red ball of light in the distance.
“Is that a flare?” he asked.
“I don’t know.”
“Maybe we should call the Coast Guard?”
“Let’s see what happens, you know, if another is sent up after this one. The Coast Guard has look-outs.”
They both stared at the strange light hanging there.
“I’m sure if they see what we see,” Zach said, “they’ll investigate. If we see another, we’ll call it in.”
Richard looked around them. It was a beautiful clear night. “Well, it’s a nice starry night. I only see two small clouds all by their lonesome.”
As they watched the stars and their fishing lines, they noticed that the light was getting bigger. “That light looks like it’s coming towards us, dude,” Richard said, and he began singing the theme for The Twilight Zone.
The light was now bright enough to reflect on the water. Then suddenly the wind picked up. Clouds began moving in. Without warning, the strange light made a ninety-degree turn and zoomed straight up into the clouds and was gone.
“Wow!” Richard exclaimed. “Dude! What the hell was that?”
“Man! I don’t know.”
Richard was so awestruck, he felt almost light-headed. “Well, that turned out not to be a flare, dude,” he said. “I think that was a UFO. People say this is a hot spot of UFO activity.”
Zach became pensive, and after studying the sky for a few moments he said, “I don’t know what to make of that.”
“Dude, that had to be a UFO!”
As they sat there thinking about what they had seen, they heard a motor sound. Seconds later, a small Coast Guard boat appeared, then came close to shore. An officer stood out on the deck and using a blow-horn said, “Did you gentlemen see a flare? Did you see the direction it came from?”
Richard pointed forward out to the lake where the light had first appeared. “We saw a light come from that direction.”
Before Richard could add anything, the boat took off. Richard and Zach discussed the weird light, and the fact that the Coast Guard had apparently seen it too.
“If it was a UFO,” Zach said, “they won’t tell the public.”
“Well, I know what I saw, and no one can tell me I didn’t.”
Zach was silent, but Richard’s mind raced. Had they really seen a UFO? I’m not nuts, he told himself. I know what I saw.
They sat there, letting the sighting sink in. Twenty minutes later, movement in the sky caught Richard’s attention. His eyes widened. It was another gold-orange-red ball.
“Zach! Do you see that? Another one!”
Zach nodded. As they watched, it moved closer and then ascended upward and disappeared in the same direction as the first.
“Do you think that was the same one?” Richard asked. “Or are there two of them?”
“I don’t know! That was crazy, dude!”
They were both flabbergasted. “We didn’t know what to think or do,” Richard explains. They just sat there in stunned silence, absorbing the new sighting. After several moments, Richard glanced at his watch. It was already past 2:00 a.m. He stared at the watch face in shock.
“Wow, it’s already after two a.m.,” he said. “Time really flew by.”
Zach laughed with disbelief. “Nah, your watch is way fast.”
“Dude, my watch is correct.”
Zach looked down at his watch. “My God!” he said. “It is after 2:00!” He looked out at the lake, “Real strange, there.” He began laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
“I think we’ve gone nuts,” he joked. He speculated out loud that perhaps with all the weirdness, they just both lost track of time.
“Dude! We haven’t been here for four and a half hours.”
Zach nodded soberly. “You’re right.”
They each lit up a cigarette and stared around them, waiting to see if the Coast Guard would show up again. They didn’t.
Richard again noticed the strange enveloping silence. There were still no waves on the lake. No bugs. No traffic sounds. Burk Lakefront Airport was only a mile or two away, and Cleveland Hopkins International Airport was about seven miles away. There should be planes, but they hadn’t seen any. Other than the Coast Guard there were no boats, no other fishers, no people at all.
Says Richard, “It was all just too weird to me. Too quiet. Way out of the ordinary.”
Before they knew it, the sun was coming up. They decided to head back. They packed up. There was no talking, joking, or laughing as they usually did. When they hit the small grassy hill where they had felt the weird heaviness, sure enough, they felt it again. Says Richard, “We had that same feeling of having to force our way to the other side. We stood there a few seconds and looked at each other.”
“It happened again,” Zach said.
“I know. I was going to tell you the same thing. What in the hell is that all about, dude?”
Zach put his gear down.
Richard looked at him questioningly. “What are you doing?”
“I’m going to test something out.”
Richard watched as Zach returned to the spot where they felt the strange force. Says Richard, “He began to walk back the way we came. He walked over the grassy area, and it seemed as though he was walking very slowly. I thought he was dragging because he was tired.”
Zach came back and stood there silently.
“Well?” Richard asked.
Zach looked back down the pathway. “It’s weird. I felt like I walked through a wall of water again.”
“Why were you walking so slowly?”
“I was?”
He shook his head. “It just feels funny walking in that area. You know what I’m talking about. Like when we first walked through there.”
“I know.”
Curious, Richard set down his gear and explored the area again. Sure enough, there was that weird heaviness. But as he turned around, it suddenly vanished. Not only that, the weird silence lifted. Says Richard, “All of a sudden, it seemed like someone turned the sound on again.”
They both noticed the difference. They could hear the lake, the traffic, the distant roar of the airport.
They walked back home in silence. It was about 7:00 a.m., when they made it back home.
“Dude,” Richard said. “I can’t account for some of the time we spent at the lake.”
Zach looked at his watch and shrugged. “I don’t know.” He chuckled nervously. “It was a weird night.”
Inside, Richard’s mother Inus saw him and asked him to go to the store to pick up a few items. Richard started to tell her about their sightings and all that had happened.
Inus just smiled.
Richard turned to Zach. “Dude, tell her. Isn’t this true?”
“All I can say, it was a really weird night.”
“Mom,” Richard said. “You know me. I don’t make up stories like this.”
Inus thought he might be joking, but Richard insisted he wasn’t. He went to the store and decided to pick up a newspaper. To his amazement, there was a story about strange lights seen by the Coast Guard on Lake Erie that night. They had actually taken a photograph of it.
After that night, they rarely discussed what happened. A few times, Richard did bring it up, especially if Zach was there to back him up. Zach’s only response was to look down and say, “It was a weird night, that’s all I can say.”
It wasn’t long after this strange night that something occurred which would change Richard’s life forever.
Richard’s mother, Inus, was also a smoker of cigarettes. She had tried several times to quit, but was unsuccessful. Then she was talking with her sister-in-law, Betty, who had heard about a parapsychologist and professional hypnotherapist just a short distance out of town by the name of Retha Martin. “She can probably help you,” Betty told Inus. “She’s well known. She’s been in magazines.”
Inus was thrilled, and decided to book a session. And then she remembered that Richard was still having trouble sleeping. “He doesn’t sleep good at all,” Inus told Betty. “He checks windows and doors constantly and doesn’t know why. Instead, he keeps himself busy through the night, then takes a nap during the day, and does it all over again the next day. I wonder if Retha could help him too?”
“Well, maybe he can come and she can help him relax and learn to sleep through the night.”
Inus approached Richard with the idea, but he was skeptical of hypnosis. “I don’t know,” he told her. “Those people kind of scare me. You don’t know what they’re going to put in your head. You don’t know what they’re after.”
Inus did some investigation and learned that Retha Martin was, in fact, very well respected. But still Richard resisted.
“If you come, I’ll pay for it,” Inus said. “I’m concerned. You need to learn to sleep at night. And maybe she can help me quit smoking.”
Richard was still hesitant, but after a half-hour of cajoling, Inus convinced Richard to give it a try.
It was 1991 when Inus and Richard walked into the office of Retha Martin for their scheduled appointment. Inus went in first while Richard sat in the waiting room. He sat in a chair flipping through a magazine. After a short while, he heard the muffled sound of his mother crying.
“It sounded like she was upset,” Richard says, “and I was kind of concerned.”
About an hour elapsed before Inus came out of the office, still teary-eyed. Retha guided her to a chair, comforted her and offered her something to drink. “You’re awake now, and you’re fine,” Retha said, reassuring Inus. “I’m going to let you calm down. Remember, you’re awake and you’re fine. I’ll talk with you in a little bit.”
“Okay, okay,” Inus said.
“What happened?” Richard asked.
Inus smiled weakly and said not to worry, that she was fine. Richard turned to Retha. “What’s wrong?”
“She’s fine,” she said. “Is it all right if I ask you a few questions?”
Richard nodded. Retha proceeded to ask him basic questions, such as what Richard did for a living. How were things at his home? Was he under any stress?
Richard answered her questions and assured Retha that other than his insomnia, everything was fine. Retha then invited him to sit down on a comfortable sofa in her office.
“What’s going on at night?” she asked. “Why can’t you sleep?”
“I don’t know,” Richard said.
“You don’t know the answer? You have no idea?”
Richard shook his head. “No, I just keep feeling like I have to check all the windows and doors. I have to walk around the house. I can’t get comfortable enough to sleep unless I do that.”
“Does that work?”
“No,” Richard admitted. “I feel safer when I’m up. If I try to go to sleep, I feel like someone’s around the house. If I hear a noise, it freaks me out. I still find excuses to stay up all night.”
Richard explained that he spent most every night cleaning the house, building models, reading, watching television, anything but sleeping. It made him tired throughout the daylight hours, and he sometimes had difficulty concentrating. He stole little catnaps whenever he could during the day. “I just feel better if I’m up all night,” he explained.
Retha nodded and asked him if he was ready to try hypnosis. She explained that it was simply a process of mental relaxation, and that it could help them to explore the reasons for his insomnia.
Richard agreed and Retha began the process of putting him into a trance. It was a longer process than Richard had anticipated, and it took several minutes for him to relax enough. When he reached a state of full relaxation, Retha began to speak.
“Did you have any problems as a kid? Did anything happen around that time that might have been traumatizing?”
“No,” Richard said. “I don’t remember. I had a good childhood, a loving family, peaceful.”
Without warning, a bright light shone in Richard’s eyes.
“Why are you squinting?” Retha asked.
“There’s a bright light.”
“Where’s it coming from?”
“I don’t know.”
Then he saw that the light was coming down from above. He was lying down on a cold table. Images of strange creatures coalesced around him. Faces, weird faces. Inhuman faces.
“I see faces,” he told Retha.
“What do they look like?” Retha said.
“They don’t look human!” he cried, tears forming in his eyes.
Images came faster now. And like a dam breaking, images and scenes flooded into his mind. Retha didn’t need to speak. Richard remembered. He remembered everything. (read more)
Chapter Two
The People in the Sky
Sebastian Bulos decided it was time. It was 2011 and he was twenty-six years old, still living with his parents in their home in central Lima, Peru. Now that he had a steady job as a tourist guide, he was ready and able to move out and live on his own.
His parents had insisted when he was a young boy that he learn English at school, and his skills at the language had made him an ideal candidate for his job as a tourist guide. He enjoyed the work as he got to travel throughout the city and meet all kinds of interesting and new people.
He found a place for rent on the outskirts of town, not far from the local airport. It was a small modest apartment on the third floor of a private home, but he was happy. His job was fascinating and brought all kinds of opportunities to learn.
On one occasion, Sebastian was exploring Mira Flores, a popular tourist location, and saw a familiar-looking man sitting on a bench overlooking the ocean. Approaching the man, he saw that it was Ruben Albarran, the lead singer of the hugely popular Peruvian rock band, Café Tacuba.
A big fan of their music, Sebastian approached the man and asked if it was really him.
“Are you a cop?” Ruben asked him suspiciously.
“No, no, of course not,” Sebastian replied, and explained that he was a tourist guide.
“Okay, sit,” Ruben said. “You can sit with me.”
Sebastian was amazed. Here was his childhood idol! And for the next thirty minutes, the two men shared a profound spiritual conversation.
“He told me, look to the horizon of 2012, that many changes for mankind were coming,” Sebastian explains. “He was telling me that many changes will come for the planet, that we should learn how to feed ourselves, that we shouldn’t harm anyone.”
At the time, there was much conversation and speculation in Peru about the Mayan Calendar ending in 2012, and the fate of the world. Sebastian was entranced by his meeting with the celebrity, and wondered what the next year would bring for him and all humanity.
“I took that as a hint of what was going to happen the next year,” Sebastian says, “but I didn’t have any idea what was going to happen.”
It was the beginning of Sebastian’s awakening. The months passed and the only changes 2012 brought were problems at his place of employment. It was a Japanese-owned company, and there were many internal changes going on. Through no fault of his own, Sebastian suddenly found himself without a job.
He had a little money saved, but not enough, and by 2013, he was beginning to struggle financially. “There was not enough money,” Sebastian says. “I didn’t ask anyone for help, but I was having hard days, finding money to eat, to do the things we all want to do.”
Sebastian cut meat out of his diet because it was too expensive, which wasn’t easy in a culture that loved sausages and pork and barbecues. He was eating exclusively vegetarian foods, lots of grains like quinoa, fresh fruits and vegetables. He spent his days looking for work, and at night he would say a prayer to the Virgin Mary for guidance. Although he was raised as a Catholic, he had never been particularly religious. But after months of looking for a job and having no success, and watching his savings dwindle, he was beginning to lose hope.
Each morning after waking, he fed the dogs and the birds, watered the plants, and did any chores that needed doing. Then he looked for a job.
November 5, 2013 started as a normal day. It was bright and sunny with a clear blue sky. Sebastian fed the animals, watered the plants, and went on his computer to research job opportunities. It was 4:30 in the afternoon when he stepped into the backyard to hang the newly-washed clothes on the clothesline.
Without warning, a strange and vivid image of a glowing orange rectangle appeared in his mind. He could see it clearly in his mind’s eye, a flying object of some kind, hovering over Lima. It was incredibly clear and commanded his full attention.
“It was like remote viewing,” Sebastian explains. “Not with my physical eyes, but in my mind, I could see this orange, glowing rectangular box, this orange shape, like a UFO. It was like my eyes were up in the sky and I could see the ocean, and this rectangular orange shape flying toward me. It was like eight or nine kilometers south from where I was. It was very far, but I was having a connection in my mind, and I could see this rectangle coming.”
At first the image was somewhat undefined, and Sebastian wondered what he was seeing. It looked almost like a sausage-shaped balloon used by the local soccer team for advertising. But very quickly, the image became crisp and defined.
“As it became clearer,” Sebastian says, “the image showed this rectangular UFO, but very orange, like volcanic magma.”
It was strange, because he was looking down on it, and could pinpoint its exact location as it flew over the oil refinery several kilometers to the south. But it was moving north, directly towards him. In his mind, he watched it fly until it moved over the airport and was then directly over the area of his house.
At that moment, a male voice spoke in clear, perfect, unaccented Spanish, “Mira el cielo.” Look at the sky.
“It was a very neutral accent,” Sebastian explains. “And in a nanosecond, everything suddenly felt like a bubble. There was no sound. I had some parakeets in a cage along the wall. I couldn’t hear them. I couldn’t hear the sound of the air, of the environment. It was all deleted. I raised my physical eyes, and I saw this glowing UFO on top of the house. It was a rectangle, with round-shaped corners.”
The shape reminded Sebastian of an I-phone. The object was very low, maybe twenty meters high, and appeared to be massive, at least as big as two full-sized school buses or perhaps a large jet, but totally silent and moving at a slow pace.
Most amazing is what he saw inside: the clear silhouette of a tall, muscular man. It reminded him instantly of Leonardo Davinci’s famous sketch of the Vitruvian Man. The only difference was, instead of the man’s arms being extended outward to the sides, they were stretched forward, palms up, in a supplicating gesture.
“I saw this man with long curly hair up to the shoulders, strong muscular arms, a very narrow waist, like a swimmer’s body,” Sebastian explains. “The legs and arms were very long…a perfect human body, just perfect proportions…and he was standing inside this rectangle. A man glowing in the sky inside this rectangle. When I heard his voice and looked up, I felt this huge love coming from inside my chest. It was like I knew who this person was for all my life. He sounded familiar. This feeling of love was similar to when you fall in love when you’re a kid; you feel these butterflies.” (read more)
Chapter Three
Interfacing with the Grays
Like most contactees, Mateo Tremblay (pseudonym) had strange experiences from a very young age. Born in 1966, he spent his early childhood in a well-populated city in France. He lived alone with his mother and step-father on the sixth floor of a large apartment building.
One morning in 1970, at age four, he woke to find himself no longer in his bedroom, but somewhere else. He lay on a soft, comfortable table. He was approached by a tall “hooded person” who took him by the hand.
“It is finished now,” the figure said reassuringly, and seemed to be pleased. Mateo somehow sensed the figure was female, perhaps because she was behaving in a kind, nurturing manner.
At that moment, the weird table lowered itself to the floor, allowing Mateo to get off by himself.
He became curious about the strange figure standing in front of him. The being was extremely tall, perhaps three meters in height, and humanoid as far as Mateo could tell. “I tried to look under her hood,” Mateo says.
“You are not allowed to do that,” she said, gently but firmly.
Nevertheless, Mateo watched her closely. “Her movements were soft and fluid, gliding on the floor,” he says. “The only part of her I saw was her hand as she helped me off the table. It was very thin and slender, with four very, very long fingers. I don’t recall seeing fingernails.”
As he walked with the strange figure, he tried again to peek under her hood and managed to catch a glimpse of her face. He can’t remember what she looked like, only that her face seemed to shimmer.
At this point, he saw that another similar figure stood nearby. “That being was also hooded,” Mateo says, “not unlike a one-piece monk’s robe, of a very thin strange material, from head to toe. I could not see his feet, only the fingers.”
“You are not allowed to look at us!” the figure warned. He spoke in a serious tone. Mateo sensed that he was male.
Says Mateo, “That being was busy with some sorts of glass tubes and strange odd-shaped objects, clear glass sort of things. It was standing about five meters away.”
“We are wasting our time,” the male being said. “This is not the right specimen anymore. Something went wrong.”
The being ignored Mateo, acting like he wasn’t even there. He didn’t seem friendly, but neither was he aggressive or scary. He just turned back to his instruments and seemed frustrated with Mateo.
Mateo had the impression that the two beings were strong-bodied, extremely wise, and in total control of the situation. The female being stayed close by, reassured Mateo and seemed to care about his wellbeing. The other male figure, however, was more cold-minded and scientific in his thinking.
While Mateo couldn’t see their appearance, he did get a good look at the room. “The inside was about fifteen meters wide, and about half of that at its highest point,” he says. “It was round or oval. All the furniture (the table and the console where the second being was doing stuff) was part of the craft, all molded in one whole piece with no separate parts. Except for the independent small glass-like instruments, it all seemed to be made of the same material. It was sort of milky, almost see-through. It was smooth to the touch, kind of like hard plastic and soft glass at the same time. There were no mechanical devices to be seen, except for perhaps a small panel with lights fluctuating. There were absolutely no sharp edges anywhere to be seen.”
Looking where the second being stood, Mateo noticed that instruments seemed to pop in and out of the wall. Some of the instruments did appear to have sharp edges, and were different in color from the rest of the ship. He saw something that slightly resembled a Rubik’s cube, though different, and other devices that made little sense to him.
The floor was made of a slightly darker and denser material, but was still part of the craft. The room was well-lit with a bright pleasant light that emanated from no discernable source other than the room itself.
Mateo stared around him in wonder. Although he was only four, he had never been in such an unusual environment before and knew that it was different from anything he had ever seen.
Says Mateo, “After standing off the table, the first being was ‘walking’ next to me as I was looking around and exploring as a young child would do, curious whilst feeling safe. I think she was checking my reactions. All in all, I was in no way scared or under pressure, as long as I did not try to look at their faces. They seemed very particular about that fact.”
It was shortly after Mateo tried again to peek under their hoods that the male being said again, “You are not allowed to look at us!”
The female then turned to Mateo and said, “You must go back now.”
“We walked together, a few meters close to the wall,” Mateo explains. “Then she pointed outward, toward the outside. The milky glass turned translucent and clear, not unlike a window or TV screen, and an opening appeared in the wall. What I saw, truly amazed me. Being inside the craft was almost like a normal situation, but what I saw out there took my breath away. I was peering into space and countless stars. It was like we were in there...I was in space, in a glass-like bubble oval around us.”
“Let me show you your home,” the female said.
“Outside,” says Mateo, “I saw a multitude of stars, far and deep and yet so close. Then they started to move toward the right and downward, some getting smaller from behind, some getting bigger from the front, all very fast. Finally, we slowed down and in front of us, a planet came closer and closer. It was totally covered in green, covered with vegetation. We stayed there hovering a little bit, then we went back fast into deep space with the stars going faster and faster again.
“Then the planet Earth came into view,” Mateo continues. “It came closer and closer, and we stayed for a few minutes, watching it slowly revolve.”
The female being seemed to appreciate how Mateo had behaved obediently during the encounter. “Goodbye,” she told him. “Maybe we will see each other again?” (read more)
Chapter Twenty
The Alien in the Red Vest
It was a bright summer morning in 1965 in Four Corners, New York, when five-year-old Richard Barton sat down in the living room to watch television. His father was at work. His mother was in the kitchen doing dishes. And his little sister Melissa (pseudonym) played in another room. A sudden feeling of being watched swept over him. There was a window to his right, which overlooked the side-yard. The feeling was coming from there.
“I looked over really fast,” Robert says, “and something went down really fast, whoosh!”
What the heck was that? Robert wondered. He jumped up, went to the window, and looked around. Nothing was there but the sidewalk and the small hedgerow dividing their house from the neighbor’s.
Weird, he thought. He knew he saw something, but nobody was there. He sat back down. Now on alert, he still watched the television, but at the same time, kept his peripheral vision focused on the window.
“So, I’m watching the window,” Robert says, “and sure enough, a few minutes later, I see some type of movement out of the corner of my eye. I looked again, and sure enough it went shew! down really fast.”
Robert checked again but nothing was there. Moments later, it happened a third time. Whatever it was, it moved so fast that Robert couldn’t get a good look at it. But he had a theory about what was happening. It was his neighborhood friends. The window was too high to look in easily, so he guessed that one of his friends was climbing onto the shoulders of the other, and was peeking in the window to spy on him. And when he turned his head to look, they would jump and run.
Next time, Robert decided, he would let them know that they had been caught.
Moments later, it happened again. He saw movement, looked over, and whoever it was disappeared. Robert ran to the window, stuck his tongue out, jammed his thumbs in his ears, and wiggled his fingers, making a funny face. He continued this for the next thirty seconds.
Without warning, a figure quickly popped up and stared back at Robert. “Just on the other side of the window,” Robert says, “this guy goes up, and there in front of me is something…I didn’t know what I was seeing. Back then there were no words for gray aliens. But it was what we now know as a gray alien, and it was just on the other side of the window, two or three feet away from me. I could see it from the chest up. It was in the bottom part of the window looking straight at me.”
Robert gasped in shock. The figure was not human, that much was clear. It had large, black, almond-shaped eyes that turned upward and a prominent brow ridge that gave it a scowling appearance. It had a tiny upturned nose and no visible mouth. Its head was over-sized, hairless and gray in color.
What really caught his attention was that the figure wore a sleeveless deep-red vest, skin tight, with a V-neck. The vest was featureless except for a small three-inch-wide emblem or symbol on the left upper chest, much like a series of two over-lapping circles intertwining each other.
He stared for about five or ten seconds, frozen in shock, trying to make sense of what he was seeing. It wasn’t a normal person. The eyes were too big and the nose was too small. Could it be an animal? But what about the red vest?
One thing was clear, this was not normal.
“Mom!” Robert screamed. He turned, fled the living room and ran into the kitchen.
His mom didn’t want to be bothered, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her into the living room. “Come look!” he screamed. “Get in here! You’ve got to see this!”
“What’s the matter?” she asked.
Robert refused to approach the window. He stood several feet away and pointed at it, saying, “Go look out the window!”
His mother walked over to the window and scanned the view. She shrugged. “I don’t see anything. What did you see?”
“I don’t know,” Robert said. He described the big black eyes, the weird nose, the shape of the head. He then told her it was wearing a red vest. “I think it was a wolf.”
His mother raised her eyebrows. It was obvious from Robert’s emotional reaction that he had seen something strange. But a wolf in a red vest? She called her mother and shared the story. When Robert’s father came home, she told him. Soon everyone knew about Robert’s encounter. It became the family joke.
A few weeks later, it happened a second time. Again, it was shortly after breakfast. Robert’s sister, Melissa was in another room. His mother was in the kitchen. And Robert sat on the couch watching television. Once again, he got that strange feeling of being watched. Looking at the same window, he saw something drop down. (read more)
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