Not from Here--Selected UFO Articles: Volume Two
Chapter One: UFO Investigator's Disease
Chapter Two: Aliens-R-Us
Chapter Three: The Incredible Shrinking Abductee
Chapter Four: The Mystery of Angel Hair
Chapter Five: Extraterrestrial Gardeners
Chapter Six: UFO Rescue at Sea
Chapter Seven: The Smell of UFOs
Chapter Eight: TheUFO Breathing Pool
Chapter Nine: Alien Drinks
Chapter Ten: UFOs and Rockets
Welcome to the second volume in a series of selected UFO articles from more than 30 years of UFO investigations. As explained in the first volume, I became involved in UFO research in 1986. Since then I have written 20 books and more than 100 articles. After going through all my articles, I realized that much of my UFO research had never been published in book form.
This second volume is a new collection of ten original UFO articles, each covering different aspects of the UFO phenomenon. None of the articles from the first volume appear here, nor is this information available in any of my other books. As with the first volume, my goal was to include a wide variety of subjects, and give the reader enough cases to have a general overview of the UFO phenomenon. Inside you will find stories of sightings, landings, face-to-face encounters, onboard experiences and more.
I included articles from my early research as well as more recent investigations. Each chapter has been updated to include current cases and information. Each chapter is also illustrated by award-winning artist, Kesara, (my sister-in-law) who has worked closely with me since the beginning of my research.
This book covers many different areas of the UFO field. Many people don’t realize that investigating UFOs can have unforeseen consequences. The first chapter, “UFO Investigator’s Disease,” presents a collection of cases in which UFO researchers become themselves investigated by UFOs. It’s a clear-cut case of the hunter becoming the hunted.
Why do aliens abduct some people and not others? “Aliens-R-Us” presents several cases in which ETs tell people that the reason they were contacted is because they and the ETs are actually related.
“The Incredible Shrinking Abductee” is a study of a very unusual type of encounter in which people are affected by ET technology in ways that are mindboggling and bizarre, including being shrunken down in size, or even enlarged. And not just people, but ships too.
A rare type of evidence in support of UFOs is known as angel hair, a mysterious substance ejected from UFOs. “The Mystery of Angel Hair” presents one of the largest collections of cases ever put together, and an in-depth analysis of this unique type of encounter.
Most UFO researchers agree that ETs are conducting a scientific survey of our planet, even to the point of collecting samples of plants, animals and humans. “Extraterrestrial Gardeners” is a collection of such cases, presenting a study and analysis of accounts in which ETs have been observed taking a wide variety of plant-life from our planet.
Alien encounters come in a wide variety of forms. One of the rarest involves “UFO Rescue at Sea”--cases in which UFOs show an unusual interest in sinking ships, and in a few instances, actually playing a crucial role in a rescue.
Nearly every aspect of UFOs has been studied extensively. However, there is one area that has been strangely overlooked, until now. “The Smell of UFOs” is an expose of case involving alien odors of all kinds. Do aliens use deodorant? What does it smell like inside a UFO? What do UFO odors reveal about the phenomenon? This unique study of UFO smells provides some interesting answers.
People who are taken onboard UFOs experience many bizarre procedures. “The UFO Breathing Pool” examines one of the strangest of all, accounts in which abductees are placed inside a pool and made to breathe the liquid. It also reveals what the reasons for this procedure might be.
People are often examined aboard UFOs. They are given messages of various types. They are shown different rooms aboard the craft. And sometimes much stranger things occur. “Alien Drinks” explores cases in which people are given liquids by the ETs and told to drink them. The question is: why?
Is it possible that aliens are monitoring our ability to travel beyond Earth? The answer appears to be a resounding: yes! The tenth and final chapter in this second volume is “UFOs and Rockets.” It explores cases in which UFOs have been observed monitoring a wide variety of rocket and missile launches across the world, including multiple accounts of toy rockets.
As can be seen, the UFO phenomenon is extraordinarily complex and multi-layered, with dark corners and unexplored avenues just waiting for light to be shined upon them. This volume covers some of the lesser-known and more unusual aspects of the UFO phenomenon. UFOs can only be understood by examining all the pieces of the extraterrestrial puzzle. Hopefully this book will help add one more piece.
One of the greatest mysteries of the UFO phenomenon is: where do UFOs come from? Do they contain extraterrestrials? Do they originate somewhere much closer to home? Could their crews actually be interdimensional beings?
There are as many theories as there are UFO reports. But the notion that aliens are actually time travelers from our future--and that they are us--is a new theory that seems to be growing in popularity.
It may sound ridiculous at first, but this theory is not without merit, and is backed up by multiple independent eyewitness testimonies. In several instances, people claim to have received indications that humanity’s relationship with aliens is more than casual. These rare cases may offer a startling glimpse into what could be our own future.
Though he is one of the most famous alien abductees, Whitley Strieber has often stated that he considers the origins of UFOs an open question. He points to some of the more bizarre aspects of the contact experience that may support non-ET theories.
“One witness, pregnant, was reading in bed one night in 1957 when [troll-like] figures entered her room,” Strieber writes. “When she grew terrified, the leader said, as if to reassure her, ‘We aren’t interested in you, but in the girl child you’re carrying.’ She cried out that they were hideously ugly, to which he responded, ‘Just wait, my dear, one day you will look exactly like us.’”
The unusual exchange, Strieber adds, might tell us something about ourselves, by showing “that the incredible intimacy and strangeness of the whole contact experience is as likely to mean that we don’t know what we are as it is to suggest that the visitors are extraterrestrials.”
“Anita” (whose case was investigated by Karla Turner) was born in 1947 in Texas. Like many abductees, Anita’s encounters began at an early age and continued into adulthood. They run the gamut of UFO phenomena, from mere sightings to onboard abductions. Though often terrified during these encounters, Anita says she has also had interactive contacts during which she was able to telepathically communicate with the aliens.
Anita sometimes obtained information about the aliens during these sessions. During one communication, the aliens revealed to Anita this curious message: “IRU URI.” Taken phonetically, this message translates into, “I are you; you are I.”
Beams of light from UFOs are known to have many strange properties. Some people report being levitated. Others report feelings of numbness, heat or strange prickling sensations. Some beams cause symptoms that seem to resemble radiation sickness, and others are known to have healing properties. The strange effects from these unusual beams of light boggle the mind. As one studies these beams, it becomes increasingly obvious that these are not normal beams of light, and that there is much we don’t understand about the electromagnetic spectrum.
There is one effect from these beams of light that is so unusual, so incredibly bizarre that it has only been reported in a few isolated cases. It is so fantastic that few experiencers have had the courage to even report it, perhaps because even the UFO community would find their UFO stores to weird to believe. Despite this, some brave pioneers have come forward with their accounts.
It seems that in some extremely rare cases, UFO beams have caused witnesses to actually shrink down in size.
As incredible as this sounds, there are now several reported cases, each occurring independently, with no knowledge of each other. The first case I ever ran across was on the cover of the not so reputable Weekly World News. As I stood in line at the grocery store, I flipped to the article and read how a young Japanese couple watched as a miniature UFO landed in their yard, struck their son with a beam of light which shrunk him down to the size of a peanut and then took him onboard. I remember laughing at the absurdity of the story and knowing that such ridiculous things could never happen. Or could they?
The most well-known case is undoubtedly that of Betty Andreasson Luca, whose experiences were first recounted in The Andreasson Affair, by Raymond Fowler. The first book was followed by three others, each recounting the remarkable experiences of one of the most celebrated abductees in American history. Betty Luca first became aware of her UFO experiences after a particularly dramatic encounter in 1967 during which aliens entered her home in Ashburnham, Massachusetts and took her aboard a spacecraft hovering above her backyard. She was left with only partial memories of the event, however, under hypnosis she recalled virtually the entire episode. Thus began her incredible journey into the world of UFOs and alien encounters.
Betty has had a wide variety of encounters. Important here is one unusual experience during which she witnessed a man and a woman who were escorted by gray-type ETs into a large UFO, which Betty estimated to be about 48 feet in circumference. As she watched, the UFO was struck by a beam of light from another UFO hovering above it, until it was shrunk down to the size of a small car!
Says Betty: “That man over there. They’re telling him to get up or something, cause he’s getting up and he’s following the beings into the craft that they came out of...they’re going inside...and that lady’s getting up. They’re taking that lady too--they’re taking her over to the craft that the man was brought into...That big, big craft or ship is just hovering now over the smaller one. And suddenly the lights on the circular part of it all went on! Lit the whole bottom up, the bottom of the top craft. They’re shrinking that craft! That ship is getting smaller from those lights around the edge in the bottom of that big ship...[The] craft was shrunk down to the size of a car, (with the man and the lady in it!) and the beings...That big one had shrunk it down to about the size of a car. And that man and that lady and the other beings in it left. That small craft left.”
Betty was amazed by what she had just seen. During another experience years earlier, the aliens had explained to Betty that they had the technological ability to shrink people and objects down to diminutive size with a beam of light. They called the process “opulating” and “deopulating.” Betty had understood what they meant, but watching the process was a wholly different matter, and she found the experience more than a little disconcerting.
Most UFO investigators agree that UFOs represent a superior technology. In case after case UFOs easily outdistance our fastest aircraft and are able to perform maneuvers that seem to defy the laws of physics. The craft are typically silent and show no evidence of any propulsion systems involving fuels or propellants. And yet the metallic surfaces so often described by witnesses seem to indicate that we are dealing with some type of vehicle.
If UFOs are truly intelligent visitors from other planets, then their behavior should reflect this fact. And to some extent, it does. While many people believe UFO sightings are random, they are not. UFOs exhibit numerous patterns of behavior. Often they are attracted to particular areas including, but not limited to, nuclear power stations, military bases, technological installations, areas containing high tension wires, bodies of water, graveyards, mines (see Not from Here: Volume One) and other specific locations.
There is one thing, however, that UFOs seem to be particularly drawn to: rocket launches. Dozens of well-authenticated cases have occurred in which UFOs have shown up during rocket launches. In a few of these cases, the UFOs have even intervened.
These types of cases are different from most others in one important detail: the witnesses are trained observers, typically scientists and military personnel. Because of their high level of credibility, and because these objects are seen by large groups of witnesses, these cases provide a unique opportunity to obtain an objective scientific look at a phenomenon that is often shrouded in ridicule and disinformation.
The Invasion of White Sands
The events that have occurred over White Sands involving UFOs are not well-known, and yet they remain among the best-verified in UFO history.
On May 15, 1947 a team of rocket scientists launched a V-2 (A-4) rocket at White Sands Proving Grounds. At first the test was routine. The missile climbed to an altitude of 40 miles. Then something strange happened. Radar technicians tracking the rocket were amazed to see another target appear next to the missile. At this point the V-2 veered 40 degrees off its normal flight path and crashed two minutes later.
Lieutenant Colonel Harold R. Turner was the commanding officer and told intelligence investigators that he could not explain why the missile went off course other than the “peculiar phenomena” that were observed by the radar technicians. He later told reporters about this incident and others. As one journalist wrote, “Lt. Col. Harold R. Turner, commanding officer at White Sands said he had received reports that a track walker [radar technician] said he had seen a falling object near Engle, New Mexico and an Army captain flying his own plane reported seeing an object falling from the skies near Tularosa.”
C. Jon Kissner, a former Republican State Representative from Las Cruces investigated the incident in detail and says that it “began an episode that would evolve over the next half-century into the most highly classified military and scientific research and development project in world history.”
According to Kissner, “Whatever had mysteriously appeared and vanished after observing a V-2 in flight and affecting its trajectory at a highly classified missile range became an immediate priority within a small closed circle. It involved highly ranked general staff officers and civilian scientists assigned to the Office of Scientific Research and Development and the Joint Research and Development Board of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, under whose authority White Sands Proving Ground was established and operated. Both of these national weapons research and development organizations were headed by one key man--Dr. Vannevar Bush.”
Incidentally, Dr. Vannevar Bush would later be implicated as one of the members of the controversial and super-secret UFO study group, MJ-12, said to be in charge of UFO crash/retrievals and the reverse engineering of UFO technology.
Later Lieutenant Colonel Harold R. Turner released an official statement in which he said that the sightings of the UFOs were actually caused by jet planes. He explained that the jets have circular exhaust pipes, and that these pipes, when heated, might give an illusion of disks.
While the above May 15 encounter was causing waves, the invasion of White Sands had only begun. About one month later, on June 29, 1947, three naval research scientists had an incredible sighting while waiting for a test involving a captured German V-2 rocket.
At 1:30 PM, the three scientists, Dr. C.J. Zohn, Curtis C. Rockwood and John R. Kauke were out on the grounds when they observed a bright flash of light from above. Says Zohn, “We noticed a glare in the sky. We looked up and saw a silvery disc whirling along. We watched the thing for nearly 60 seconds and then it simply disappeared. It didn’t go behind the mountain range. At one time it was clearly visible, and then it just wasn’t there.”
Being trained observers, the scientists quickly estimated that the disk was flying at an altitude of about 10,000 feet. They were very impressed by its silver mirror-like surface and its flat, elliptical shape. Dr. Zohn was a rocket expert and made a report of the incident to Army Intelligence in which he said that the object was unlike any rocket he had ever seen, and that it could not have been a balloon.
UFOs Tracked by Theodolites
From 1947 onward, White Sands was continually targeted by UFOs. On April 6, 1949, several unknown objects were observed flying over the base. Luckily the witnesses were scientists and trained observers. Furthermore they were able to observe the object through a theodolite.
A theodolite is a telescope that can rotate on horizontal and vertical planes, allowing the user to accurately measure angles. It’s often used in surveying and meteorology. At White Sands, it was routinely used to observe rocket launches.
The first incident to be captured on a theodolite occurred at 10:30 a.m. on April 24, 1949 over Arrey at White Sands proving grounds. Commander Robert B. McLaughlin (chief of the Navy’s guided missile program at the base) was supervising an experiment involving the launching of General Mills skyhook research balloons. One of the members of the crew, Charles B. Moore watched the small 350-gram weather balloon as it ascended. Suddenly he noticed that another member of the group had the telescope trained on another location in the sky.
Moore confronted the man, berating him for having lost the balloon, which Moore could still see. The man protested and said, “But I’ve got it right here!”
Moore looked and with his naked eye he suddenly noticed another “whitish spherical object” flying directly over the balloon, only at a higher altitude and moving in a different direction. He quickly took over and trained the ML-47 theodolite built around a 25-power telescope onto the object. The instrument revealed that the unknown object was actually a flat oval-shaped disk with a whitish-silver color. Moore kept the theodolite trained on the object for at least sixty seconds. During this time, he was able to determine that the object was 56 miles in altitude moving at an astonishing speed of seven miles per second or 2,200 miles per hour. They estimated that the craft was 40 feet wide and 100 feet long.
As they watched, the unknown object suddenly dropped in altitude until it was below the horizon line of the nearby mountain range. Then it stopped, swung upwards and zoomed out of sight. The group of scientists were stunned and easily concluded that they had seen an actual craft and not a meteorite. Says Moore, “As I remember the object that I saw through the theodolite, my memory is that its edges were sharp and not diffuse.”
Air Force Intelligence officers from the famed Project Blue Book were brought in to investigate, and unable to find an explanation, labeled the case unidentified, the second such case in New Mexico (see Blue Book Case #358.)
The astronomical consultant to Project Blue Book, J. Allen Hynek, was assigned to research the case, and admits that he and the other officers did not give it the time and attention it deserved. As he later wrote, “Moore was disgusted with the Air Force’s and my lack of attention to this sighting. Who can blame him? It was typical of the Air Force’s practice of spending a great deal of overkill effort pinning down cases for which there seemed to me an immediate logical explanation in sight and devoting only modest follow-up to a case that was truly baffling.” Hynek later became a leading proponent of UFO reality, writing several books criticizing the Air Force’s handling of the UFO situation.
Despite receiving almost no investigation, the above sighting had far-reaching implications. Researcher Michael David Hall writes that the sighting “stands as one of the most credible from the early years.” Researchers Brad Sparks and Jerome Clark wrote, “With good reason this sighting convinced many influential persons that UFOs were real and extraterrestrial.”
Within three days of the incident, investigators from the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board arrived to investigate. The purpose of the visit, as revealed in a declassified memo, was to investigate reports of “unidentified aerial phenomena that have been observed in this area during the last five months.”
Shortly afterwards, this incident and others were leaked to the press. Documents from the now declassified Project Grudge (the precursor to Blue Book) show that the Air Force officials were apparently more concerned that the news articles were revealing too much information about the objects and the Air Force interest in them, than about the incident itself. According to Brad Sparks and Jerome Clark, the AFOSI “went into a frenzy to try to hunt down the source of the leak.” To their shock, they learned that Commander McLaughlin himself was the main source, but not the only one.
In a public press conference, Commander Robert McLaughlin told reporters: “Flying disks have nothing to do with any experiments carried on by American scientists or for that matter by anyone on earth. If these things are real, they come from another planet, where creatures are far ahead of us in science. I have heard it said that they are space ships from Mars which have been attracted to the Earth by our atomic bomb explosions and, fascinated by what they saw, have continued to keep an eye on us.”
Later McLaughlin told True Magazine, “I am convinced it was a flying saucer and further, that these disks are space aliens from another planet, operated by animate, intelligent beings.”
Whatever the case, the leak proved to be a thorn in the Air Force’s side, particularly because the sightings at White Sands were still ongoing. It seemed that whenever they launched a rocket, the UFOs swooped down to investigate.
Following the above incident, an article written by journalist Austin Conover revealed several new sightings over White Sands. Writes Conover, “During a visit there last week, I was told by a top Navy officer who had long experiences in observing high-altitude missiles: ‘While sunbathing recently one day, I saw a mysterious object cavorting high in the air above us. Just before that, I turned in a report to Washington that two such objects were observed by a party of rocket experts visiting here. At that time I was skeptical. They insisted that I make the report.’”
Meanwhile the sightings continued. About one month later in May of 1949, Commander Robert McLaughlin revealed another sighting at White Sands. He and two other officers were observing the launch of a rocket when they saw another white glowing object pass slowly overhead, then suddenly accelerate at high speed and moved behind some hills.
One month after that, on June 10, 1949, there was another similar sighting at the base. Two small white disk-shaped objects were observed from five separate observation posts. The two disks appeared alongside an Army rocket, maneuvered around it as it launched and then accelerated vertically into the distance at speeds estimated around 1,300 miles per hour.
Commander McLaughlin later revealed that he had been witness to this and other similar UFO events. Says McLaughlin, “Many times I have seen flying discs following and overtaking missiles in flight at the experimental base as White Sands, where, as is known, the first American atom bomb was tried out.”
On August 31, 1949, the Los Angeles Times printed an article by Marvin Miles titled, “U.S. Officers Report Seeing Flying Disks.” The article said that on August 29, “flying saucers or at least some mysterious objects” were seen by service personnel at White Sands Proving Grounds. Writes Miles, “One officer believes the objects were space ships...observation made through a photo theodolite showed the ship to be egg-shaped, fantastic in size, traveling at possibly three to four miles a second.”
The invasion of White Sands continued. (read more)