Dolly’s Biography…227
About the Author…228
Books by Preston Dennett…229
I have interviewed many hundreds of people who have had UFO encounters. Some have simple sightings. Others have face-to-face contact with ETs. Some stumble upon landed craft. Many have actually been taken onboard a craft and have had extensive interactions with extraterrestrials. This last category has always interested me most, because here are individuals who have a lot of information about ETs, about who they are, where they come from and their agenda on our planet. And yet, at the same time, I find myself frustrated. Many experiencers are fearful. Often, they have problems recalling their encounters in detail. Many witnesses report missing time or have only partial recall of what happened. A small portion do report having fully conscious encounters, and have overcome much of their fear, but this is a small group, and most of them still have some fear of their experiences and continue to have issues with recall.
Then, in early 2016, after more than thirty years of research in this field, I was contacted by a remarkable woman from Florida named Dolly Safran. As she began to describe her UFO experiences, I realized that she was one of the rare individuals who is able to remain fully conscious during her encounters. Furthermore, she explained that she had long ago overcome her fears about what was happening to her. It eventually became clear to me that she was not only different from most people I had interviewed, she had far more extensive experiences than any person I had ever met, or even read about.
This was not immediately apparent. It took several interviews before Dolly was confident enough to share just how much she had experienced. She had lived most of her life keeping her experiences private from almost everyone (including close family members) and she was hesitant to reveal her secret life until she was confident that I was going to give her encounters the type of attention and respect they deserved.
Dolly had learned long ago that many people are cruelly skeptical. Even those who weren’t disbelieving were often profoundly fearful. She learned long ago from firsthand experience not to talk about her encounters.
The time came, however, when she decided that she could no longer remain silent. Hearing how many abductees (a word she does not like or agree with) describe their encounters with ETs as terrifying and unwelcome, she realized that the truth about the grays was not being accurately portrayed.
So she began a long search for a UFO researcher who she could trust to tell her story objectively and truthfully. And when the search seemed fruitless, the ETs encouraged her to keep looking, and that she would soon find the person she was looking for.
Much to my surprise and delight, this person turned out to be me! I was incredibly humbled, and also a bit intimidated. As Dolly revealed her story, I realized just what a big responsibility this was. Even after interviewing her several times, I still wasn’t aware of just how truly extensive and profound her experiencers were.
In my book, Onboard UFO Experiences, published in 2020, I devoted a chapter to a tiny portion of Dolly’s encounters. At the time, she freely admitted that there was still much she hadn’t yet shared with me. But as we continued to talk, we soon developed a very deep friendship. In fact, I can now easily call her one of my very best friends ever, and I love her very much. Only then did she begin to tell me just how strange, bizarre and unique her life truly is. Only then did she share how incredibly extensive her experiences are.
Dolly was born in 1958 and by the age of two, was already having UFO encounters. These continued throughout her life, and are still occurring to the present day. At first, like many experiencers, Dolly was puzzled and sometimes frightened by her encounters. In the beginning, her experiences were confusing, often dreamlike, and not easily categorized. It wasn’t until age fourteen, when she experienced a profound onboard experience, that she understood exactly what was happening to her. At that time, she had a great awakening, a profound enlightenment. The entire event was first hidden in amnesia and missing time. But with effort, determination and sheer willpower, Dolly soon remembered everything.
It was at this time that her encounters became fully conscious. She overcame her fear and began an incredible adventure that would take her far from planet Earth. Dolly found herself being taken by the grays across the solar system, to other star systems, other planets, to the farthest edges of the Milky Way galaxy, and beyond, including other dimensions. The grays began to educate her on a wide variety of subjects, an education that is still continuing to this day. She was assigned important missions to assist in the grays’ agendas to save our planet and awaken humanity to our own incredible potentials. From the very beginning, she developed a profoundly close relationship with several ETs, as well as an AI high dimensional entity she calls Tlera, who embodies the craft Dolly flies in, and has been taught how to pilot. These craft are living entities in and of themselves.
The whole UFO subject has been badly misrepresented, and much of what people believe to be true about UFOs and ETs is distorted, fear-based, incomplete, and sometimes even outright lies.
As amazing as Dolly’s story is (and it is fantastically amazing,) I have heard much of these same kinds of experiences piecemeal from other contactees. But to have a single person connect all the dots, fill in all the blanks, and tell the whole truth in a continuous narrative, is not only amazing, it’s life-altering. Dolly’s story will change the way you view UFOs and extraterrestrials. And while her story definitely stands out from others, it is not wholly unique.
Dolly has not been alone with her experiences. There have been (and are) other humans along with her, also experiencing these events. But they, like Dolly, have kept everything absolutely silent. There is a secret army out there of contactees. And not just a few, but a lot. Many may not have the full recall that Dolly does, but some do, and the day may be coming when all of them will remember everything. The entire world is on the very edge of a massive paradigm shift that will change everything and everyone.
This book is the true story of Dolly’s life among the ETs. It’s a story that may, at times, stretch credulity to the limit, but I can assure you that it’s absolutely true. Dolly proved this to me in multiple ways on numerous occasions. She has photographs, films, medical records. She has repeatedly displayed wondrous psychic talents before my very eyes. I have personally seen her UFOs. She has corroborating witnesses. She has an unimpeachable resume of accomplishments that surely are a reflection of her incredible education at the hands of the ETs. I not only believe her story; I personally know it to be true. I have, to a certain degree, become a participant.
It’s important to re-iterate that Dolly is a fully conscious experiencer. Her story does not depend in any way on hypnotically retrieved memories. She remembers the events as they occur, fully conscious and awake. While there are instances of classic missing time, the vast majority of her encounters are experienced in full waking consciousness, and are recalled in their entirety. She remembers being taken, the entire time onboard the craft, and being returned. She is watched over very carefully by the ETs, who have not only taught her, but guided her, healed her and protected her from danger on numerous occasions.
Even as a young girl, Dolly’s close relationship with the ETs attracted the attention of what would probably be best described as the “secret government,” the folks who are orchestrating the UFO coverup. She has been under constant surveillance her entire life, has actually communicated with some of these government stooges, has been threatened, and has suffered attempts on her life. She is followed everywhere, a fact I can attest to, as I witnessed it myself.
Coming forward has not been an easy decision for her. And yet, she has important and crucial reasons for doing so. The ETs have warned her that momentous Earth-shaking events are imminent. Time is short for the people of this planet to wake up to our own psychic abilities, our own ET heritage, the upcoming disasters, to the fact that our world leaders may not have our best interests in mind.
She is coming forward not for her own benefit, not to prove her experiences to skeptics, but to help educate people who are genuinely interested and seeking the truth about who the ETs really are, and to counteract the lies and misinformation that riddles the available information on this subject. She is coming forward at great personal expense and very real danger, to do her part to help avert and mitigate some of the widespread disasters that the ETs are warning virtually all contactees about, and to encourage others who are having these experiences to come forward and let the world know the truth about our ET friends.
This is more than just a true story about one woman’s fantastic adventures with ETs and UFOs. It is a message to all humanity that now is the time for change. Now is the time for people to become autonomous, to liberate themselves from denial, ignorance and fear, to free themselves from the greed, corruption and divisiveness that is choking our society and halting our spiritual progress.
This is the kind of book I’ve wanted to write for a very long time. Not a collection of firsthand stories, but instead, one person’s story, a person who is in a position to know the real truth about UFOs and these visitors to our planet. Her account, unlike so many others, is not coming from a place of fear and confusion. Instead, it’s coming from a place of love and knowledge and a long life of firsthand experience with the ETs. Unlike many who are unable to recall what has actually happened to them, view their experiences through the lens of fear, and label the ETs as unfriendly or even evil, Dolly, with full conscious recall, sees the truth of who the ETs are and their deep relationship with humanity. They are not our enemies. They are not here to hurt or scare people, or to conquer our planet. They are here to wake people up, to guide us, heal us, help us. Dolly knows that they are more than friends, they are family.
It’s no hyperbole to say that Dolly and I have spent hundreds of hours talking and going over and over the many events she has experienced. Writing this book has been a very challenging task. I’ve wept to hear some of what she has experienced, I’ve laughed so hard I could barely catch my breath, but mostly, I’ve gasped in awe and wonder. In some ways, I’m glad I didn’t meet Dolly sooner. I’m not sure I could have done her story justice. But now, as a seasoned researcher, and having talked to so many other people, I am better equipped to present a story as complex and far-reaching as Dolly’s. I’ve never heard another account like it. It’s a story that deserves to be widely known.
Dolly requested the title of the book to be “Symmetry,” because this concept encapsulates what she has learned about life throughout the universe. “It describes the symmetry of our lives and how everything is so connected,” Dolly says. “There’s symmetry in everything, between all things, all beings, all energy. There’s perfect symmetry in existence. It all balances out. The symmetry of existence is perceivable to humankind, but only through the mind and through the psychic connection to all creation, to the Universe. And one of the things that ET wants us very much to wake up to is this path. And that’s why I’m coming forward with my story.”
Chapter Seven
Gathering the Children
After mastering the ability to pilot the craft, Dolly was taken on many missions. Often this involved a process the ETs called ‘gathering the children.’ On Earth, this is sometimes termed, ‘UFO abduction.’ Dolly does not agree with this term, nor do the ETs.
“You call them abductions,” says Dolly. “We don’t call them that. We’re gathering the kids. All human beings are kids to them. All of us belong to their group. We’re all part of them. They monitor us. We check their health. We take them if they need this, that or the other. We talk to them.”
The whole purpose for picking people up into the craft is to aid in their development, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. “They council you, they guide you, they teach you. They do all kinds of things. You’re not just being examined. People tend to remember traumatic things. They don’t remember the cool easygoing stuff, and there’s a lot of communication going on.”
The ETs, she says, never kidnap anyone against their will. Anyone and everyone who is taken onboard has agreed to it. However, when it actually happens, many people find themselves utterly consumed with shock and fear, and have no conscious memory of any agreements. The ETs are not bringing anyone onboard to hurt them or scare them. In fact, it’s the opposite. They bring people onboard to ensure that people are healthy, to educate them, guide them, provide them with information and encouragement to fulfill their life’s purpose.
“They do ask permission,” says Dolly. “Everybody who goes onboard is talked to safely about this, every single person. And they’re waiting for the right answers. They’re waiting for you to be cognizant and real in your head about it, to make the decision yourself. To decide yourself to do this, to wake up. They don’t leave your house without permission. They don’t take you without you agreeing. Those who are taken, are taken from a very early age. You don’t just grow up one day and suddenly you’re onboard a craft. If you’re going onboard you’ve been worked with from a very young age. You know what’s happening to you. Some part, the deep part of your mind knows, and you agree to walk out the door with them.”
Dolly has not read any books on UFOs, but she is well aware of how the “UFO abduction” phenomenon is often portrayed as a negative experience. ETs are perceived by many to be coldly unemotional and unfeeling. But in fact, says Dolly, the opposite is true. The ETs are deeply moral, empathic and caring, and they also display a wide array of emotions. They rarely feel hate, jealousy or greed, but they do feel sadness and sorrow and even fear. They feel joy, pride, humor, and especially love.
Says Dolly, “The ETs have evolved to the point that almost all communication is given in ways that humans don’t understand yet, and that is that they feel everything, hear everything and understand everything between each other and from us. You can be thinking about one thing, and they can be hearing everything else that’s going on in your head at the same time, unfiltered, all of it. Beings with this kind of intelligence and this kind of ability seem to come off as not empathetic, or not responsive to humans, but it’s not true. They are extremely responsive. You just don’t see them reacting the way we do because we are emotional first and then we think second. We make our decisions based on emotional response to how we feel, and that is not how they operate. They operate on a different level.”
The reason so many people have such a strong fear reaction is because they feel a loss of control. Says Dolly, “One of the things that’s really hard for humans onboard craft is that they know they are being worked with and they feel totally out of control in those situations. They don’t feel like they are in control of themselves. And they don’t realize not only that they are in control of themselves, but that ET is allowing them to be who they really are. In other words, they’re not going against their wishes. That’s why if you don’t want contact, you will be let out of contact. They will not continue with you at all. If that’s exactly what you really want. If you don’t want to remember a situation, they will give that to you also. They hear everything you want, need and desire and they work with that. And that is because they are one hundred percent empathetic beings. Not all human beings are raised that way. Not all human beings feel for one another the way that they do about all life. Life to them is precious. It lives in the harshest environments and survives. And they are gardeners to that. They’re keepers, and they take care of whoever they feel responsible for. And we are definitely their responsibility in a way that you can’t even imagine. They are our progenitors. They are us -- we are them. We’re together in all of this. A good parent does not allow their children to suffer if they can help it. The only problem with that is, once your children reach maturity and they’re making their own decisions, you have to allow them to make the decision to perish or not perish by their own hands. And they have to step back and allow that. And we’ve certainly been allowed to be who we are.”
Dolly takes her job of gathering the children very seriously. When she hears abductees being described as victims, her skin crawls. It’s a gross misrepresentation and misperception of what is actually happening. “These are not just people who are onboard,” she says. “These are human beings that I have absolute contact with myself. And I help take care of them, and I’m there for them. And I do for them whatever I can do. It’s in my nature to do so, and I would not suffer any of them to be harmed ever, under any circumstances, and to only help them as much as I possibly can. To talk about them like they were test subjects is abhorrent to me. It messes with my brain. It freaks me out because that’s not how I feel about what I do with them. Not at all. And that’s not how ET feels about them either. Every individual that they come in contact with is an individual to them, as precious to them as they are to themselves. They have no ulterior motives to us whatsoever. The only thing that motivates them is making sure that we somehow survive ourselves in all of this. That we somehow come through this. It’s a protective role that I play. It is gathering them to protect them. It’s like a momma calling their babies, like come here, you’re going to safety.”
- The Awakening…11
- Meeting Momma…26
- The Secret School…44
- Onboard the Motherships…68
- Dolly Among the Stars…85
- Flight Training…111
- Gathering the Children…140
- The Guardians…170
- People Like Us…192
- The ETs’ Message to All Humanity…202
Dolly’s Biography…227
About the Author…228
Books by Preston Dennett…229
I have interviewed many hundreds of people who have had UFO encounters. Some have simple sightings. Others have face-to-face contact with ETs. Some stumble upon landed craft. Many have actually been taken onboard a craft and have had extensive interactions with extraterrestrials. This last category has always interested me most, because here are individuals who have a lot of information about ETs, about who they are, where they come from and their agenda on our planet. And yet, at the same time, I find myself frustrated. Many experiencers are fearful. Often, they have problems recalling their encounters in detail. Many witnesses report missing time or have only partial recall of what happened. A small portion do report having fully conscious encounters, and have overcome much of their fear, but this is a small group, and most of them still have some fear of their experiences and continue to have issues with recall.
Then, in early 2016, after more than thirty years of research in this field, I was contacted by a remarkable woman from Florida named Dolly Safran. As she began to describe her UFO experiences, I realized that she was one of the rare individuals who is able to remain fully conscious during her encounters. Furthermore, she explained that she had long ago overcome her fears about what was happening to her. It eventually became clear to me that she was not only different from most people I had interviewed, she had far more extensive experiences than any person I had ever met, or even read about.
This was not immediately apparent. It took several interviews before Dolly was confident enough to share just how much she had experienced. She had lived most of her life keeping her experiences private from almost everyone (including close family members) and she was hesitant to reveal her secret life until she was confident that I was going to give her encounters the type of attention and respect they deserved.
Dolly had learned long ago that many people are cruelly skeptical. Even those who weren’t disbelieving were often profoundly fearful. She learned long ago from firsthand experience not to talk about her encounters.
The time came, however, when she decided that she could no longer remain silent. Hearing how many abductees (a word she does not like or agree with) describe their encounters with ETs as terrifying and unwelcome, she realized that the truth about the grays was not being accurately portrayed.
So she began a long search for a UFO researcher who she could trust to tell her story objectively and truthfully. And when the search seemed fruitless, the ETs encouraged her to keep looking, and that she would soon find the person she was looking for.
Much to my surprise and delight, this person turned out to be me! I was incredibly humbled, and also a bit intimidated. As Dolly revealed her story, I realized just what a big responsibility this was. Even after interviewing her several times, I still wasn’t aware of just how truly extensive and profound her experiencers were.
In my book, Onboard UFO Experiences, published in 2020, I devoted a chapter to a tiny portion of Dolly’s encounters. At the time, she freely admitted that there was still much she hadn’t yet shared with me. But as we continued to talk, we soon developed a very deep friendship. In fact, I can now easily call her one of my very best friends ever, and I love her very much. Only then did she begin to tell me just how strange, bizarre and unique her life truly is. Only then did she share how incredibly extensive her experiences are.
Dolly was born in 1958 and by the age of two, was already having UFO encounters. These continued throughout her life, and are still occurring to the present day. At first, like many experiencers, Dolly was puzzled and sometimes frightened by her encounters. In the beginning, her experiences were confusing, often dreamlike, and not easily categorized. It wasn’t until age fourteen, when she experienced a profound onboard experience, that she understood exactly what was happening to her. At that time, she had a great awakening, a profound enlightenment. The entire event was first hidden in amnesia and missing time. But with effort, determination and sheer willpower, Dolly soon remembered everything.
It was at this time that her encounters became fully conscious. She overcame her fear and began an incredible adventure that would take her far from planet Earth. Dolly found herself being taken by the grays across the solar system, to other star systems, other planets, to the farthest edges of the Milky Way galaxy, and beyond, including other dimensions. The grays began to educate her on a wide variety of subjects, an education that is still continuing to this day. She was assigned important missions to assist in the grays’ agendas to save our planet and awaken humanity to our own incredible potentials. From the very beginning, she developed a profoundly close relationship with several ETs, as well as an AI high dimensional entity she calls Tlera, who embodies the craft Dolly flies in, and has been taught how to pilot. These craft are living entities in and of themselves.
The whole UFO subject has been badly misrepresented, and much of what people believe to be true about UFOs and ETs is distorted, fear-based, incomplete, and sometimes even outright lies.
As amazing as Dolly’s story is (and it is fantastically amazing,) I have heard much of these same kinds of experiences piecemeal from other contactees. But to have a single person connect all the dots, fill in all the blanks, and tell the whole truth in a continuous narrative, is not only amazing, it’s life-altering. Dolly’s story will change the way you view UFOs and extraterrestrials. And while her story definitely stands out from others, it is not wholly unique.
Dolly has not been alone with her experiences. There have been (and are) other humans along with her, also experiencing these events. But they, like Dolly, have kept everything absolutely silent. There is a secret army out there of contactees. And not just a few, but a lot. Many may not have the full recall that Dolly does, but some do, and the day may be coming when all of them will remember everything. The entire world is on the very edge of a massive paradigm shift that will change everything and everyone.
This book is the true story of Dolly’s life among the ETs. It’s a story that may, at times, stretch credulity to the limit, but I can assure you that it’s absolutely true. Dolly proved this to me in multiple ways on numerous occasions. She has photographs, films, medical records. She has repeatedly displayed wondrous psychic talents before my very eyes. I have personally seen her UFOs. She has corroborating witnesses. She has an unimpeachable resume of accomplishments that surely are a reflection of her incredible education at the hands of the ETs. I not only believe her story; I personally know it to be true. I have, to a certain degree, become a participant.
It’s important to re-iterate that Dolly is a fully conscious experiencer. Her story does not depend in any way on hypnotically retrieved memories. She remembers the events as they occur, fully conscious and awake. While there are instances of classic missing time, the vast majority of her encounters are experienced in full waking consciousness, and are recalled in their entirety. She remembers being taken, the entire time onboard the craft, and being returned. She is watched over very carefully by the ETs, who have not only taught her, but guided her, healed her and protected her from danger on numerous occasions.
Even as a young girl, Dolly’s close relationship with the ETs attracted the attention of what would probably be best described as the “secret government,” the folks who are orchestrating the UFO coverup. She has been under constant surveillance her entire life, has actually communicated with some of these government stooges, has been threatened, and has suffered attempts on her life. She is followed everywhere, a fact I can attest to, as I witnessed it myself.
Coming forward has not been an easy decision for her. And yet, she has important and crucial reasons for doing so. The ETs have warned her that momentous Earth-shaking events are imminent. Time is short for the people of this planet to wake up to our own psychic abilities, our own ET heritage, the upcoming disasters, to the fact that our world leaders may not have our best interests in mind.
She is coming forward not for her own benefit, not to prove her experiences to skeptics, but to help educate people who are genuinely interested and seeking the truth about who the ETs really are, and to counteract the lies and misinformation that riddles the available information on this subject. She is coming forward at great personal expense and very real danger, to do her part to help avert and mitigate some of the widespread disasters that the ETs are warning virtually all contactees about, and to encourage others who are having these experiences to come forward and let the world know the truth about our ET friends.
This is more than just a true story about one woman’s fantastic adventures with ETs and UFOs. It is a message to all humanity that now is the time for change. Now is the time for people to become autonomous, to liberate themselves from denial, ignorance and fear, to free themselves from the greed, corruption and divisiveness that is choking our society and halting our spiritual progress.
This is the kind of book I’ve wanted to write for a very long time. Not a collection of firsthand stories, but instead, one person’s story, a person who is in a position to know the real truth about UFOs and these visitors to our planet. Her account, unlike so many others, is not coming from a place of fear and confusion. Instead, it’s coming from a place of love and knowledge and a long life of firsthand experience with the ETs. Unlike many who are unable to recall what has actually happened to them, view their experiences through the lens of fear, and label the ETs as unfriendly or even evil, Dolly, with full conscious recall, sees the truth of who the ETs are and their deep relationship with humanity. They are not our enemies. They are not here to hurt or scare people, or to conquer our planet. They are here to wake people up, to guide us, heal us, help us. Dolly knows that they are more than friends, they are family.
It’s no hyperbole to say that Dolly and I have spent hundreds of hours talking and going over and over the many events she has experienced. Writing this book has been a very challenging task. I’ve wept to hear some of what she has experienced, I’ve laughed so hard I could barely catch my breath, but mostly, I’ve gasped in awe and wonder. In some ways, I’m glad I didn’t meet Dolly sooner. I’m not sure I could have done her story justice. But now, as a seasoned researcher, and having talked to so many other people, I am better equipped to present a story as complex and far-reaching as Dolly’s. I’ve never heard another account like it. It’s a story that deserves to be widely known.
Dolly requested the title of the book to be “Symmetry,” because this concept encapsulates what she has learned about life throughout the universe. “It describes the symmetry of our lives and how everything is so connected,” Dolly says. “There’s symmetry in everything, between all things, all beings, all energy. There’s perfect symmetry in existence. It all balances out. The symmetry of existence is perceivable to humankind, but only through the mind and through the psychic connection to all creation, to the Universe. And one of the things that ET wants us very much to wake up to is this path. And that’s why I’m coming forward with my story.”
Chapter Seven
Gathering the Children
After mastering the ability to pilot the craft, Dolly was taken on many missions. Often this involved a process the ETs called ‘gathering the children.’ On Earth, this is sometimes termed, ‘UFO abduction.’ Dolly does not agree with this term, nor do the ETs.
“You call them abductions,” says Dolly. “We don’t call them that. We’re gathering the kids. All human beings are kids to them. All of us belong to their group. We’re all part of them. They monitor us. We check their health. We take them if they need this, that or the other. We talk to them.”
The whole purpose for picking people up into the craft is to aid in their development, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. “They council you, they guide you, they teach you. They do all kinds of things. You’re not just being examined. People tend to remember traumatic things. They don’t remember the cool easygoing stuff, and there’s a lot of communication going on.”
The ETs, she says, never kidnap anyone against their will. Anyone and everyone who is taken onboard has agreed to it. However, when it actually happens, many people find themselves utterly consumed with shock and fear, and have no conscious memory of any agreements. The ETs are not bringing anyone onboard to hurt them or scare them. In fact, it’s the opposite. They bring people onboard to ensure that people are healthy, to educate them, guide them, provide them with information and encouragement to fulfill their life’s purpose.
“They do ask permission,” says Dolly. “Everybody who goes onboard is talked to safely about this, every single person. And they’re waiting for the right answers. They’re waiting for you to be cognizant and real in your head about it, to make the decision yourself. To decide yourself to do this, to wake up. They don’t leave your house without permission. They don’t take you without you agreeing. Those who are taken, are taken from a very early age. You don’t just grow up one day and suddenly you’re onboard a craft. If you’re going onboard you’ve been worked with from a very young age. You know what’s happening to you. Some part, the deep part of your mind knows, and you agree to walk out the door with them.”
Dolly has not read any books on UFOs, but she is well aware of how the “UFO abduction” phenomenon is often portrayed as a negative experience. ETs are perceived by many to be coldly unemotional and unfeeling. But in fact, says Dolly, the opposite is true. The ETs are deeply moral, empathic and caring, and they also display a wide array of emotions. They rarely feel hate, jealousy or greed, but they do feel sadness and sorrow and even fear. They feel joy, pride, humor, and especially love.
Says Dolly, “The ETs have evolved to the point that almost all communication is given in ways that humans don’t understand yet, and that is that they feel everything, hear everything and understand everything between each other and from us. You can be thinking about one thing, and they can be hearing everything else that’s going on in your head at the same time, unfiltered, all of it. Beings with this kind of intelligence and this kind of ability seem to come off as not empathetic, or not responsive to humans, but it’s not true. They are extremely responsive. You just don’t see them reacting the way we do because we are emotional first and then we think second. We make our decisions based on emotional response to how we feel, and that is not how they operate. They operate on a different level.”
The reason so many people have such a strong fear reaction is because they feel a loss of control. Says Dolly, “One of the things that’s really hard for humans onboard craft is that they know they are being worked with and they feel totally out of control in those situations. They don’t feel like they are in control of themselves. And they don’t realize not only that they are in control of themselves, but that ET is allowing them to be who they really are. In other words, they’re not going against their wishes. That’s why if you don’t want contact, you will be let out of contact. They will not continue with you at all. If that’s exactly what you really want. If you don’t want to remember a situation, they will give that to you also. They hear everything you want, need and desire and they work with that. And that is because they are one hundred percent empathetic beings. Not all human beings are raised that way. Not all human beings feel for one another the way that they do about all life. Life to them is precious. It lives in the harshest environments and survives. And they are gardeners to that. They’re keepers, and they take care of whoever they feel responsible for. And we are definitely their responsibility in a way that you can’t even imagine. They are our progenitors. They are us -- we are them. We’re together in all of this. A good parent does not allow their children to suffer if they can help it. The only problem with that is, once your children reach maturity and they’re making their own decisions, you have to allow them to make the decision to perish or not perish by their own hands. And they have to step back and allow that. And we’ve certainly been allowed to be who we are.”
Dolly takes her job of gathering the children very seriously. When she hears abductees being described as victims, her skin crawls. It’s a gross misrepresentation and misperception of what is actually happening. “These are not just people who are onboard,” she says. “These are human beings that I have absolute contact with myself. And I help take care of them, and I’m there for them. And I do for them whatever I can do. It’s in my nature to do so, and I would not suffer any of them to be harmed ever, under any circumstances, and to only help them as much as I possibly can. To talk about them like they were test subjects is abhorrent to me. It messes with my brain. It freaks me out because that’s not how I feel about what I do with them. Not at all. And that’s not how ET feels about them either. Every individual that they come in contact with is an individual to them, as precious to them as they are to themselves. They have no ulterior motives to us whatsoever. The only thing that motivates them is making sure that we somehow survive ourselves in all of this. That we somehow come through this. It’s a protective role that I play. It is gathering them to protect them. It’s like a momma calling their babies, like come here, you’re going to safety.”