The Coronado Island UFO Incident
By Mike Evans and Preston Dennett
If UFOs are real, where is the evidence? Most UFO abduction cases
involve only one or two witnesses and no physical evidence. However,
on March 26 1994, a groundbreaking UFO incident occurred when at
least six people simultaneously experienced a visitation by gray-type
extraterrestrials in a hotel on Coronado Island, California. The case is
even more significant for one reason: at least two of the witnesses
retained actual physical proof of their encounters – alien implants. The
medical evidence combined with the multiple eyewitness testimonies
makes this case unique in the UFO field.
While all the primary witnesses have retained partial or total
conscious recall of the event, they have all also agreed to participate in
an in-depth investigation into the events – including undergoing
hypnotic regression. Two of the witnesses also had extensive medical
examinations, including x-rays, MRIs and the removal of an apparent
alien implant. The book includes complete details on the events with
firsthand eyewitness testimonies, photographs and full documentation of
the medical effects.
The Coronado Island UFO Incident tells the story of how six
people were drawn into a series of UFO events that would change their
lives forever, and finally provide the missing piece to the UFO puzzle –
actual physical proof that UFOs are real.
PUBLISHED BY: Galde Press, Inc. PO Box 460, Lakeville, MN
1-800-777-3454 or 952-891-5991. ($14.95. 180 pages, 16 images)
ISBN: 1-931942-29-3
Note to the reader
Foreword by Roger Leir
1. The Awakening…1
2. Childhood’s End…13
3. The Net is Cast…23
4. Mass Encounter in Coronado…31
5. What Laurie Remembers…41
6. Nancy: The Obedient Abductee…73
7. “I Heard a Man Screaming”…81
8. Where Light Meets Darkness…93
9. The Medical Evidence…109
10. Putting the Pieces Together…133
11. Be Brave and Strong…143
The Perfect Case
Excerpted From “The Coronado Island UFO Incident”
By Mike Evans and Preston Dennett
As an investigator, I am always on the lookout for the so-called “perfect
case.” The perfect case would involve multiple witnesses of
unimpeachable integrity corroborated by multiple forms of conclusive
physical evidence. It would be the kind of case that would hold up in a
court of law and convince any skeptic of the reality of the extraterrestrial
presence on Earth. Such a case does not exist, at least not in the public
However, some cases come close, and the case of Mike Evans is
one of them. His case is the kind of case all investigators dream about.
It is comparable to finding a hidden jewel in a mountain of rubbish.
Evans grew up in southern California. At age nineteen, he joined
the Navy and trained as a medic. He then returned to Los Angeles and
earned a degree in psychology and anthropology. He then changed
careers and went to school again to become a Registered Nurse. Today
he works in a medical center outside of Los Angeles. He is married and
has two stepchildren.
He first approached me in 1999 after hearing me lecture. He
revealed that he was a UFO abductee and told me a somewhat familiar
story of being taken onboard a craft by praying mantis-like ETs, where
he was probed and examined and released. It was a story I had heard a
hundred times before, with of course minor variations.
But as he continued, I realized his story was different from the
others. First of all, he not only had conscious memories of encounters,
he had undergone hypnosis on seven separate occasions, and had
uncovered a large volume of previously repressed material. Few of the
people I had interviewed had explored their encounters so extensively.
The second reason Evans’ case stood out from the rest was the
large number of witnesses. While he had a lifelong history of
encounters, one particular incident on March 14, 1994, provided a
particularly large amount of corroborative evidence. I call this event the
Coronado Encounter, and I consider it to be an excellent case.
On March 14, 1994, Mike Evans and his wife were visited by
extraterrestrials in their hotel room in Coronado, just south of San
Diego, California. On this very same night, several of Evans’ friends
who were staying in adjacent rooms in the same hotel also experienced
an encounter. While most encounters of this type involve only one or
two witnesses, this one involved six, most of whom also reported a
lifelong history of encounters.
Then came the medical evidence. All the primary witnesses
suffered a wide variety of physiological effects as a result of their
encounters including nose bleeds, needle marks, puncture wounds, flulike
symptoms, high-blood pressure attacks, bizarre infections and more.
These were all backed up by an equally impressive array of diagnoses
from medical professionals. Evans was able to provide MRIs, x-rays,
official doctor reports and color photographs of the UFO-related medical
injuries. As the icing on the cake, one of the witnesses underwent
surgery to have an apparent extraterrestrial implant removed by Dr.
Roger Leir DPM. The evidence in this case was unbelievably
At this point, I of course realized the importance of this case.
None of the cases I have researched had this many witnesses with so
much supportive evidence. It looked like I had finally stumbled across
the perfect case. I was able to interview all the witnesses extensively
and put together a complete scenario of the events of March 14, 1992.
Each of the witnesses has varying conscious recall of the Coronado
encounter. Four of the witnesses later underwent hypnotic regression
with hypnotherapist Yvonne Smith to retrieve any suppressed memories.
Their hypnotically retrieved accounts corroborate their own conscious
recall and each other’s testimonies in remarkable detail. In order to keep
the evidence uncontaminated, the witnesses were instructed not to
discuss their own cases with any of the other witnesses.
Mike Evans consciously recalled being woken up in the middle of
the night by a bright light shining in through his hotel room window. He
assumed it was a plane and got up to shut the blinds. His next memory
was waking up in the morning to find a spot of blood on his pillow. He
assumed that he had struck his lip on the sink, although his lip was fine.
His left ear, however, had an unexplained puncture wound and was
bleeding. Evans also reported feeling mild flu-like symptoms. His wife,
Gina, verified the spot of blood on the pillow. Gina, herself, had no
memories of anything unusual.
Under hypnosis, a more complete scenario emerged. Evans
recalled that the room filled with a misty-white light and several graytype
ETs with large heads, grayish skin and pointy chins, floated through
the wall and surrounded his bed. Like many witnesses, he was most
impressed by their eyes. “I was just kind of looking at their eyes, very
large, and they didn’t blink or anything like that. They just stared at
you. It was like a black pit. They didn’t have irises. They were just
black orbs.”
He was unable to move or cry out as they took a long metallic
instrument and placed it in his ear. A few moments later, the figures left
the room the same way they arrived and the light disappeared.
Meanwhile, the adjacent room was occupied by Evans’ friends,
Nancy Stahler (pseudonym) and Laurie Angelone. Stahler consciously
recalled having a very restless night. She remembered waking up
shortly after going to sleep because a bright light filled the room. She
was unable to open her eyes and only recalled having a nightmare during
which she was being chased. When she woke up in the morning, she
found that her bedspread was rolled up and placed length-wise across
her bed over her neck, tucked under the mattress so tightly she was at
first unable to rise. The blanket had not been like that when she went to
sleep. She also suffered from severe flu-like symptoms including fever,
nausea, dehydration, glassy-eyes, headache and a general feeling of unwellness.
She later discovered a small scoop-like scar on her leg which
she believes appeared following the incident.
Under hypnosis, few new details emerged. “I see the light. I see
the flash of light. And then I remember seeing something coming
towards me, like an alien coming towards me, a figure coming towards
me. And whatever it is, it puts its hand on my shoulder…and [then] I
get real severe pains in my head, and Yvonne had to take me out of
Laurie Angelone, on the other hand, is what UFO investigators call
a conscious abductee. Where most people suffer from a profound
amnesia of extensive UFO encounters, a small percentage are able to
recall their experiences without hypnosis. Angelone belongs to this
group and has had a lifetime of traumatic ET visitations. This particular
incident was no different.
She recalled waking up when a bright light filled the room. Stahler
was whining and crying. Several short gray-type aliens with pointy
chins entered into the room through the wall. Says Angelone, “They had
no clothes that I could see and the room was lit up like daylight. They
were pale gray. They had a fairly large torso…Their arms and legs were
really stick-like. They had huge heads, huge round almond-shaped
Angelone jumped off the bed and wrapped her arms around Stahler
and pulled her off the bed, wrapping her arms. The ETs then pointed at
her and levitated her off Stahler and back into bed, where she was
temporarily paralyzed. At that point, Stahler was transported out of the
room via a bright beam of light. The room then became dark. Angelone
heard other noises, including a loud buzzing hum and the sound of Mike
Evans screaming in terror in the adjacent room. Unable to move, she
waited for a few moments until the room again blazed with light and
Stahler was returned. Both fell immediately asleep.
Angelone later underwent hypnosis but no significant new details
emerged. The next morning, she was so traumatized that she refused to
discuss the incident with anyone.
In the next room Phil Baxter (pseudonym) slept with his wife. At
first, neither of them recalled anything unusual about the night, other
than he didn’t sleep well. However, the next morning, Baxter reported a
bizarre but powerful feeling of dissociation. He wanted nothing to do
with anything, and refused to attend the conference. This was totally out
of character for him. Then in the weeks that followed, he had began
having brief but vivid flashbacks of the night in question. He had a
strange recollection that somebody had entered his room. He also
remembered hearing a strange buzzing noise and the high-pitched sound
of a man screaming in terror.
When he later heard that his friends had experienced an encounter
on that evening, he agreed to undergo hypnosis. In his regression, he
recalled waking up to find a foggy white light filling the room. Several
gray-type ETs with pointy chins entered the room. “They were
short…maybe three and a half-feet at best. Grayish-blue in color. Big
eyes…They were very spindly, real thin, long arms. I didn’t really
notice any clothing or garments.”
One held a long “black rod” and placed the tip of it on his temple.
Baxter was unable to move. He watched as a bright beam of light
enveloped his wife and she promptly disappeared. At this point, the
room became dark. He heard a loud buzzing noise and the sound of a
man screaming. Then the room again filled with light. Baxter saw his
wife being lowered back onto her bed via a beam of light. Suddenly the
room went dark and Baxter fell asleep. The encounter was over.
Each of the witnesses has experienced varying degrees of
physiological reactions as a result of the Coronado encounter and other
previous or later encounters.
Following the Coronado encounter, Evans initially experienced
mild flu-like symptoms and an apparent puncture wound in his ear.
About two weeks later, he suffered a dangerous high-blood pressure
attack and was rushed to the hospital.
Then, in the six months following the Coronado encounter, Evans
experienced a half-dozen ET visitations in his home in Simi Valley,
California. On each occasion, he woke up with large bruises and needle
marks on the inside aspect of his arm. Often, he would also experience
flu-like symptoms, including a fever reaching as high as 104 degrees.
Evans took photos of the marks.
Says Evans of one incident, “My arm looked like it had been run
over by a truck. [The marks] were raised and swollen and terriblelooking…
They were large black and blue areas, and the main one had
like a triangle in it, with needle-points at each point of the triangle.”
It was these unexplained wounds which eventually led Evans to
seek hypnosis.
After hypnosis uncovered a lifetime of encounters, Evans went for
further medical testing. He first tried x-rays which showed nothing
unusual. Then he went for an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging.) To
his incredible shock, the scans showed that Evans had three apparent
“foreign bodies” lodged in his brain, and several others in his legs. In
fact, the ones in his legs were readily apparent. One day Evans noticed
them – a half-dozen pea-like objects lodged just beneath the skin on his
left leg.
Says Evans, “I have all these things in my legs that seem to be a
product of them, because nobody can explain them. I have things in my
head – things which nobody seems to be able to explain, which I can’t
get rid of without major brain surgery. So just forget that….I’ve had
maybe three thousand dollars worth of pictures. And they can’t explain
any of it…they told me that they don’t know what it is. And they are the
techs – they look at all the MRIs that come through. I’ve had doctors
and radiologists tell me that they don’t know what it is…I had an MRI
of the left ear, and that’s the one that shows anomalies…I have one
around my left ear. One around the pituitary, sitting on top of the limbic
system. And the other one is in the occipital, which is responsible for
your vision. The objects in my leg – they could feel them. You can feel
all these round things in my leg. They are round and they seem to be
moving back and forth…I have these scoop marks….I started looking at
my scoop marks and feeling…you can feel these things in there, moving
around. There are at least seven. They are about the size of a pea – a
small pea. They are along the ridge of the tibia.”
As can be seen, Evans’ medical symptoms cannot be faked. He
still has possession of the medical tests, and the apparent implants
remain lodged in his body. They results of his testing represent hard
evidence pointing towards the reality of extraterrestrial intervention.
And while Evans case is perhaps the strongest, all of the other witnesses
have also experienced traumatic physiological effects as a result of their
Witness Laurie Angelone suffered no ill effects from the Coronado
encounter, but her other encounters are a different story. She carries a
red triangular mark on her hand which she received following an
encounter. The mark was examined by a doctor and was determined to
actually fluoresce. She also has returned from her encounters with deep
scratches, and on at least one occasion, was hospitalized when she
suffered anaphylactic shock, which she attributes to the trauma of her
Phil Baxter didn’t suffer physically from the Coronado encounter,
but like the other witnesses, he has also been hospitalized following
another earlier encounter. Says Baxter, “I became very ill. I thought I
was going to die. I was out of work for like five or six weeks. I had an
infection of my prostate. I had ear infections….I had to be rushed to the
hospital twice within that period….I had an infection just about
everywhere you can imagine. And I had gone to a couple of different
specialists and they didn’t understand how I had gotten an infection in
my groin.”
Finally, there is Nancy Stahler. Following the Coronado
encounter, she woke up with severe flu-like symptoms. Says Stahler, “I
wasn’t feeling well at all. I was feeling real hot, like very dehydrated.
Really hot, and a terrible headache, almost like glassy-eyed.”
A few weeks after the encounter, she also noticed a scoop-like scar
on her leg which she believes appeared on that night. Knowing that the
scar meant there could be a possible implant, Stahler went to be
examined by a doctor. X-rays were positive for a “small radio-opaque
ball” lodged in her tissues. By a series of coincidences, she underwent
surgery to have the object removed by Dr. Roger Leir DPM.
The object removed from Stahler showed numerous highly unusual
properties, and are apparently identical to objects removed from other
patients. Several of the implants emit an electromagnetic field. Others
fluoresce when placed under ultraviolet light. Metallurgical tests on
some revealed as many as eleven different elements in a ratio normally
found only in meteorites. Furthermore, none of the patients experienced
a foreign body reaction or inflammatory response, which is normally
present in cases involving foreign bodies. The full story is told in Leir’s
groundbreaking book, The Alien’s and the Scalpel.
Does the Coronado case represent the smoking-gun proof that has
eluded civilian investigators for more than fifty years? I think it does.
Firstly, there are multiple independent witnesses who corroborate
each other’s accounts consciously and under hypnosis. Their
testimonies alone provide highly compelling evidence.
However, as any UFO investigator will tell you, medical evidence
can make or break a case. And as we have seen, the witnesses to the
Coronado case present an impressive amount of effects.
The medical evidence speaks for itself and rules out the usual
mundane explanations invariably offered by skeptics, including hoaxes,
hallucinations, misperceptions, governmental mind-control or falsememory
syndrome. Clearly something has impacted the lives of the
witnesses. And while the extraterrestrial theory is not without its
problems, it accounts for the evidence better than other theories. If not
extraterrestrials, then what?
While this case is not perfect, it would be highly unscientific to
dismiss the evidence without an objective assessment of this and other
cases like it. One case alone may not provide enough compelling
evidence to overcome the skepticism of mainstream science. However,
this case does not stand alone. Many other investigators have uncovered
similar cases involving large numbers of witnesses and considerable
physical evidence. The evidence today is truly mountainous. Clearly
the time for skepticism is over. We must now face the reality of the
extraterrestrial presence on Earth and prepare Humanity for the
upcoming changes this presence implies.
The complete story of Mike Evans and the Coronado encounter is
extremely complex and is the subject of the upcoming book, Alien
Intervention: The True Story of the Coronado Mass Encounter. (Galde
Press, 2005) by Mike Evans and Preston Dennett.
By Mike Evans and Preston Dennett
If UFOs are real, where is the evidence? Most UFO abduction cases
involve only one or two witnesses and no physical evidence. However,
on March 26 1994, a groundbreaking UFO incident occurred when at
least six people simultaneously experienced a visitation by gray-type
extraterrestrials in a hotel on Coronado Island, California. The case is
even more significant for one reason: at least two of the witnesses
retained actual physical proof of their encounters – alien implants. The
medical evidence combined with the multiple eyewitness testimonies
makes this case unique in the UFO field.
While all the primary witnesses have retained partial or total
conscious recall of the event, they have all also agreed to participate in
an in-depth investigation into the events – including undergoing
hypnotic regression. Two of the witnesses also had extensive medical
examinations, including x-rays, MRIs and the removal of an apparent
alien implant. The book includes complete details on the events with
firsthand eyewitness testimonies, photographs and full documentation of
the medical effects.
The Coronado Island UFO Incident tells the story of how six
people were drawn into a series of UFO events that would change their
lives forever, and finally provide the missing piece to the UFO puzzle –
actual physical proof that UFOs are real.
PUBLISHED BY: Galde Press, Inc. PO Box 460, Lakeville, MN
1-800-777-3454 or 952-891-5991. ($14.95. 180 pages, 16 images)
ISBN: 1-931942-29-3
Note to the reader
Foreword by Roger Leir
1. The Awakening…1
2. Childhood’s End…13
3. The Net is Cast…23
4. Mass Encounter in Coronado…31
5. What Laurie Remembers…41
6. Nancy: The Obedient Abductee…73
7. “I Heard a Man Screaming”…81
8. Where Light Meets Darkness…93
9. The Medical Evidence…109
10. Putting the Pieces Together…133
11. Be Brave and Strong…143
The Perfect Case
Excerpted From “The Coronado Island UFO Incident”
By Mike Evans and Preston Dennett
As an investigator, I am always on the lookout for the so-called “perfect
case.” The perfect case would involve multiple witnesses of
unimpeachable integrity corroborated by multiple forms of conclusive
physical evidence. It would be the kind of case that would hold up in a
court of law and convince any skeptic of the reality of the extraterrestrial
presence on Earth. Such a case does not exist, at least not in the public
However, some cases come close, and the case of Mike Evans is
one of them. His case is the kind of case all investigators dream about.
It is comparable to finding a hidden jewel in a mountain of rubbish.
Evans grew up in southern California. At age nineteen, he joined
the Navy and trained as a medic. He then returned to Los Angeles and
earned a degree in psychology and anthropology. He then changed
careers and went to school again to become a Registered Nurse. Today
he works in a medical center outside of Los Angeles. He is married and
has two stepchildren.
He first approached me in 1999 after hearing me lecture. He
revealed that he was a UFO abductee and told me a somewhat familiar
story of being taken onboard a craft by praying mantis-like ETs, where
he was probed and examined and released. It was a story I had heard a
hundred times before, with of course minor variations.
But as he continued, I realized his story was different from the
others. First of all, he not only had conscious memories of encounters,
he had undergone hypnosis on seven separate occasions, and had
uncovered a large volume of previously repressed material. Few of the
people I had interviewed had explored their encounters so extensively.
The second reason Evans’ case stood out from the rest was the
large number of witnesses. While he had a lifelong history of
encounters, one particular incident on March 14, 1994, provided a
particularly large amount of corroborative evidence. I call this event the
Coronado Encounter, and I consider it to be an excellent case.
On March 14, 1994, Mike Evans and his wife were visited by
extraterrestrials in their hotel room in Coronado, just south of San
Diego, California. On this very same night, several of Evans’ friends
who were staying in adjacent rooms in the same hotel also experienced
an encounter. While most encounters of this type involve only one or
two witnesses, this one involved six, most of whom also reported a
lifelong history of encounters.
Then came the medical evidence. All the primary witnesses
suffered a wide variety of physiological effects as a result of their
encounters including nose bleeds, needle marks, puncture wounds, flulike
symptoms, high-blood pressure attacks, bizarre infections and more.
These were all backed up by an equally impressive array of diagnoses
from medical professionals. Evans was able to provide MRIs, x-rays,
official doctor reports and color photographs of the UFO-related medical
injuries. As the icing on the cake, one of the witnesses underwent
surgery to have an apparent extraterrestrial implant removed by Dr.
Roger Leir DPM. The evidence in this case was unbelievably
At this point, I of course realized the importance of this case.
None of the cases I have researched had this many witnesses with so
much supportive evidence. It looked like I had finally stumbled across
the perfect case. I was able to interview all the witnesses extensively
and put together a complete scenario of the events of March 14, 1992.
Each of the witnesses has varying conscious recall of the Coronado
encounter. Four of the witnesses later underwent hypnotic regression
with hypnotherapist Yvonne Smith to retrieve any suppressed memories.
Their hypnotically retrieved accounts corroborate their own conscious
recall and each other’s testimonies in remarkable detail. In order to keep
the evidence uncontaminated, the witnesses were instructed not to
discuss their own cases with any of the other witnesses.
Mike Evans consciously recalled being woken up in the middle of
the night by a bright light shining in through his hotel room window. He
assumed it was a plane and got up to shut the blinds. His next memory
was waking up in the morning to find a spot of blood on his pillow. He
assumed that he had struck his lip on the sink, although his lip was fine.
His left ear, however, had an unexplained puncture wound and was
bleeding. Evans also reported feeling mild flu-like symptoms. His wife,
Gina, verified the spot of blood on the pillow. Gina, herself, had no
memories of anything unusual.
Under hypnosis, a more complete scenario emerged. Evans
recalled that the room filled with a misty-white light and several graytype
ETs with large heads, grayish skin and pointy chins, floated through
the wall and surrounded his bed. Like many witnesses, he was most
impressed by their eyes. “I was just kind of looking at their eyes, very
large, and they didn’t blink or anything like that. They just stared at
you. It was like a black pit. They didn’t have irises. They were just
black orbs.”
He was unable to move or cry out as they took a long metallic
instrument and placed it in his ear. A few moments later, the figures left
the room the same way they arrived and the light disappeared.
Meanwhile, the adjacent room was occupied by Evans’ friends,
Nancy Stahler (pseudonym) and Laurie Angelone. Stahler consciously
recalled having a very restless night. She remembered waking up
shortly after going to sleep because a bright light filled the room. She
was unable to open her eyes and only recalled having a nightmare during
which she was being chased. When she woke up in the morning, she
found that her bedspread was rolled up and placed length-wise across
her bed over her neck, tucked under the mattress so tightly she was at
first unable to rise. The blanket had not been like that when she went to
sleep. She also suffered from severe flu-like symptoms including fever,
nausea, dehydration, glassy-eyes, headache and a general feeling of unwellness.
She later discovered a small scoop-like scar on her leg which
she believes appeared following the incident.
Under hypnosis, few new details emerged. “I see the light. I see
the flash of light. And then I remember seeing something coming
towards me, like an alien coming towards me, a figure coming towards
me. And whatever it is, it puts its hand on my shoulder…and [then] I
get real severe pains in my head, and Yvonne had to take me out of
Laurie Angelone, on the other hand, is what UFO investigators call
a conscious abductee. Where most people suffer from a profound
amnesia of extensive UFO encounters, a small percentage are able to
recall their experiences without hypnosis. Angelone belongs to this
group and has had a lifetime of traumatic ET visitations. This particular
incident was no different.
She recalled waking up when a bright light filled the room. Stahler
was whining and crying. Several short gray-type aliens with pointy
chins entered into the room through the wall. Says Angelone, “They had
no clothes that I could see and the room was lit up like daylight. They
were pale gray. They had a fairly large torso…Their arms and legs were
really stick-like. They had huge heads, huge round almond-shaped
Angelone jumped off the bed and wrapped her arms around Stahler
and pulled her off the bed, wrapping her arms. The ETs then pointed at
her and levitated her off Stahler and back into bed, where she was
temporarily paralyzed. At that point, Stahler was transported out of the
room via a bright beam of light. The room then became dark. Angelone
heard other noises, including a loud buzzing hum and the sound of Mike
Evans screaming in terror in the adjacent room. Unable to move, she
waited for a few moments until the room again blazed with light and
Stahler was returned. Both fell immediately asleep.
Angelone later underwent hypnosis but no significant new details
emerged. The next morning, she was so traumatized that she refused to
discuss the incident with anyone.
In the next room Phil Baxter (pseudonym) slept with his wife. At
first, neither of them recalled anything unusual about the night, other
than he didn’t sleep well. However, the next morning, Baxter reported a
bizarre but powerful feeling of dissociation. He wanted nothing to do
with anything, and refused to attend the conference. This was totally out
of character for him. Then in the weeks that followed, he had began
having brief but vivid flashbacks of the night in question. He had a
strange recollection that somebody had entered his room. He also
remembered hearing a strange buzzing noise and the high-pitched sound
of a man screaming in terror.
When he later heard that his friends had experienced an encounter
on that evening, he agreed to undergo hypnosis. In his regression, he
recalled waking up to find a foggy white light filling the room. Several
gray-type ETs with pointy chins entered the room. “They were
short…maybe three and a half-feet at best. Grayish-blue in color. Big
eyes…They were very spindly, real thin, long arms. I didn’t really
notice any clothing or garments.”
One held a long “black rod” and placed the tip of it on his temple.
Baxter was unable to move. He watched as a bright beam of light
enveloped his wife and she promptly disappeared. At this point, the
room became dark. He heard a loud buzzing noise and the sound of a
man screaming. Then the room again filled with light. Baxter saw his
wife being lowered back onto her bed via a beam of light. Suddenly the
room went dark and Baxter fell asleep. The encounter was over.
Each of the witnesses has experienced varying degrees of
physiological reactions as a result of the Coronado encounter and other
previous or later encounters.
Following the Coronado encounter, Evans initially experienced
mild flu-like symptoms and an apparent puncture wound in his ear.
About two weeks later, he suffered a dangerous high-blood pressure
attack and was rushed to the hospital.
Then, in the six months following the Coronado encounter, Evans
experienced a half-dozen ET visitations in his home in Simi Valley,
California. On each occasion, he woke up with large bruises and needle
marks on the inside aspect of his arm. Often, he would also experience
flu-like symptoms, including a fever reaching as high as 104 degrees.
Evans took photos of the marks.
Says Evans of one incident, “My arm looked like it had been run
over by a truck. [The marks] were raised and swollen and terriblelooking…
They were large black and blue areas, and the main one had
like a triangle in it, with needle-points at each point of the triangle.”
It was these unexplained wounds which eventually led Evans to
seek hypnosis.
After hypnosis uncovered a lifetime of encounters, Evans went for
further medical testing. He first tried x-rays which showed nothing
unusual. Then he went for an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging.) To
his incredible shock, the scans showed that Evans had three apparent
“foreign bodies” lodged in his brain, and several others in his legs. In
fact, the ones in his legs were readily apparent. One day Evans noticed
them – a half-dozen pea-like objects lodged just beneath the skin on his
left leg.
Says Evans, “I have all these things in my legs that seem to be a
product of them, because nobody can explain them. I have things in my
head – things which nobody seems to be able to explain, which I can’t
get rid of without major brain surgery. So just forget that….I’ve had
maybe three thousand dollars worth of pictures. And they can’t explain
any of it…they told me that they don’t know what it is. And they are the
techs – they look at all the MRIs that come through. I’ve had doctors
and radiologists tell me that they don’t know what it is…I had an MRI
of the left ear, and that’s the one that shows anomalies…I have one
around my left ear. One around the pituitary, sitting on top of the limbic
system. And the other one is in the occipital, which is responsible for
your vision. The objects in my leg – they could feel them. You can feel
all these round things in my leg. They are round and they seem to be
moving back and forth…I have these scoop marks….I started looking at
my scoop marks and feeling…you can feel these things in there, moving
around. There are at least seven. They are about the size of a pea – a
small pea. They are along the ridge of the tibia.”
As can be seen, Evans’ medical symptoms cannot be faked. He
still has possession of the medical tests, and the apparent implants
remain lodged in his body. They results of his testing represent hard
evidence pointing towards the reality of extraterrestrial intervention.
And while Evans case is perhaps the strongest, all of the other witnesses
have also experienced traumatic physiological effects as a result of their
Witness Laurie Angelone suffered no ill effects from the Coronado
encounter, but her other encounters are a different story. She carries a
red triangular mark on her hand which she received following an
encounter. The mark was examined by a doctor and was determined to
actually fluoresce. She also has returned from her encounters with deep
scratches, and on at least one occasion, was hospitalized when she
suffered anaphylactic shock, which she attributes to the trauma of her
Phil Baxter didn’t suffer physically from the Coronado encounter,
but like the other witnesses, he has also been hospitalized following
another earlier encounter. Says Baxter, “I became very ill. I thought I
was going to die. I was out of work for like five or six weeks. I had an
infection of my prostate. I had ear infections….I had to be rushed to the
hospital twice within that period….I had an infection just about
everywhere you can imagine. And I had gone to a couple of different
specialists and they didn’t understand how I had gotten an infection in
my groin.”
Finally, there is Nancy Stahler. Following the Coronado
encounter, she woke up with severe flu-like symptoms. Says Stahler, “I
wasn’t feeling well at all. I was feeling real hot, like very dehydrated.
Really hot, and a terrible headache, almost like glassy-eyed.”
A few weeks after the encounter, she also noticed a scoop-like scar
on her leg which she believes appeared on that night. Knowing that the
scar meant there could be a possible implant, Stahler went to be
examined by a doctor. X-rays were positive for a “small radio-opaque
ball” lodged in her tissues. By a series of coincidences, she underwent
surgery to have the object removed by Dr. Roger Leir DPM.
The object removed from Stahler showed numerous highly unusual
properties, and are apparently identical to objects removed from other
patients. Several of the implants emit an electromagnetic field. Others
fluoresce when placed under ultraviolet light. Metallurgical tests on
some revealed as many as eleven different elements in a ratio normally
found only in meteorites. Furthermore, none of the patients experienced
a foreign body reaction or inflammatory response, which is normally
present in cases involving foreign bodies. The full story is told in Leir’s
groundbreaking book, The Alien’s and the Scalpel.
Does the Coronado case represent the smoking-gun proof that has
eluded civilian investigators for more than fifty years? I think it does.
Firstly, there are multiple independent witnesses who corroborate
each other’s accounts consciously and under hypnosis. Their
testimonies alone provide highly compelling evidence.
However, as any UFO investigator will tell you, medical evidence
can make or break a case. And as we have seen, the witnesses to the
Coronado case present an impressive amount of effects.
The medical evidence speaks for itself and rules out the usual
mundane explanations invariably offered by skeptics, including hoaxes,
hallucinations, misperceptions, governmental mind-control or falsememory
syndrome. Clearly something has impacted the lives of the
witnesses. And while the extraterrestrial theory is not without its
problems, it accounts for the evidence better than other theories. If not
extraterrestrials, then what?
While this case is not perfect, it would be highly unscientific to
dismiss the evidence without an objective assessment of this and other
cases like it. One case alone may not provide enough compelling
evidence to overcome the skepticism of mainstream science. However,
this case does not stand alone. Many other investigators have uncovered
similar cases involving large numbers of witnesses and considerable
physical evidence. The evidence today is truly mountainous. Clearly
the time for skepticism is over. We must now face the reality of the
extraterrestrial presence on Earth and prepare Humanity for the
upcoming changes this presence implies.
The complete story of Mike Evans and the Coronado encounter is
extremely complex and is the subject of the upcoming book, Alien
Intervention: The True Story of the Coronado Mass Encounter. (Galde
Press, 2005) by Mike Evans and Preston Dennett.
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