Out of Body Exploring: A Beginner’s Approach
By Preston Dennett
Do you think you can travel out of your body? Are you willing to try?
Out of Body Explorations is the true story of one man’s adventures beyond
the physical body. Using simple but effective techniques that he outlines in the
book, the author learned to initiate and control out-of-body experiences on a
regular basis. Come along on his amazing journey as he contacts his spirit guides,uncovers his past-lives, explores the physical world, travels to other dimensions, has reunions with deceased loved ones, rescues lost souls, studies the Akashic records, observes the past and future, basks in the Light, visits God and his Higher Self and so much more.
What is it like to walk through walls and fly through the air? What happens
if you say your own name while out of body? How does it feel to have sex in the
out-of-body state? Can you heal yourself of incurable illness using OBEs?
Dennett answers these questions and more.
In the classic style of Robert Monroe, Bruce Moen and other advanced astral
travelers, Dennett has explored and charted distant areas of the astral plane. More than an adventure story, the book is also a guidebook to the Other Side. It presents methods on how to initiate an out-of-body experience, how to maintain the fragile
state of consciousness and how to improve out-of-body vision and movement. And
finally the book provides a list of exciting and unique experiments you can do once
you have your own out-of-body experience. After reading this book, your
conception of the Afterlife will never be the same.
1. Early Out-of-Body Experiences…….……….......................................8
2. The Desire Body……………………………….................................23
3. Experiments on the Astral Plane……………………………….........59
4. Further Astral Experiments…………………………….....................76
5. People on the Astral Plane………………………………................108
6. Food and Sex on the Astral Plane……………………………….....122
7. Mantra Experiences………………………………..........................133
8. OBEs and Healing………………………………............................142
9. Meetings with God and the Higher Self………………………..….146
10. High-Level Out-of-Body Experiences……………………………..154
11. OBEs and Psychic Powers………………………………................183
12. How To Have an OBE and What to Do When You Succeed….…...189
13. Questions and Answers……………………………….....................198
Sources and Recommended Reading……………………………...204
My Experiences While Out-of-Body
By Preston Dennett
(Excerpted from the book Out-of-Body Exploring: A Beginner’s Approach)
Every out-of-body explorer remembers when they first began to travel out-of-body.
For me it began on October 14, 1984 with a phone call. I was alone in the house
that morning when the telephone rang. I answered it and got the shock of my life.
My mother had just died of a heart-attack.
In that second, my entire world changed. My dear mother was dead. For the
first time, I began to seriously consider the topic of death. Is there really life after
At the time, I didn’t think so. I was very skeptical of all things paranormal.
Then, two weeks later, at my mother’s service, I saw her ghost! She appeared in
front of me in full color and then slowly faded away. Not believing in ghosts, I
simply assumed I was hallucinating and told no one. After all, ghosts weren’t real,
Then I began to have a series of dream visitations with my mother’s spirit.
In each dream, she came to me insisting that there was life after death and she was
all right. I still couldn’t believe in life after death. But about this time, I
reluctantly developed an interest in the paranormal and by chance, read about outof-
body experiences. I decided to try the exercises and to my incredible delight
and amazement, they worked!
I will always remember my first real OBE.
I am lying in bed when suddenly I feel my body become extremely heavy.
This is followed immediately by what feels like an electric shock pulsating through
my body. I am totally unable to move or cry out, and my body feels like it’s hollow
and there’s a waterfall flowing through it. It feels like I’m touching a live wire.
I’m sure I’m being electrocuted.
Suddenly, I feel a strange whoosh! I am up in the air flying. I zoom out of
my bedroom, across the hall and into the bathroom. I grab the counter and realize
I am out-of-body. I am ecstatic and shout to myself over and over, “I’m doing it!
I’m doing it!”
I feel a wave of tiredness sweep over me, and I fall back into a series of
dreams. Upon awakening, I know that I have finally had a genuine out-of-body
experience. (02/07/88)
This first OBE changed my life. It was so easy to get out-of-body. I
couldn’t wait to try again. Unfortunately, I was instantly confronted with several
major obstacles. Although I was able to get out-of-body fairly easily, first, I
couldn’t see or move. Second, it was very difficult to maintain consciousness and
memory. And finally, incredibly powerful waves of emotion would overwhelm me
each time I got out. The astral body is also called the emotional body or the desire
body because as soon as you go out of your body you are confronted with all your
fears and desires which manifest around you in full color.
I quickly realized that astral projection was more difficult than I first
thought. The following OBE is typical of my early OBEs.
I am suddenly conscious. I struggle to get my bearings. I feel like I’ve just
woken up and I shake my head to clear my thoughts. I look around and I realize I
am standing next to my bed. My first thought is I must be sleepwalking. But I
reject that theory instantly because I am having a lot of difficulty seeing.
Everything is very dark and blurry. I feel a wave of lucidity, and realize with a
shock that I am out-of-body. I am standing next to my bed, and looking down, I
can just barely see my physical body underneath the blankets. I am suddenly
overwhelmed by an awful wave of terror. I am mortally afraid that I have just died
and will never be able to get back into my body. This is not so fun anymore.
Totally freaked out, I dive back into my body. I feel a strange physical sensation of
buzzing and stretching. The feeling becomes overpowering and I wake up.
Although it was scary at first, I continued to do the exercises. With practice
I learned to induce the OBE state on a fairly regular basis. I was ready to try some
I quickly discovered the most amazing aspect of the astral dimensions: that
they are governed by thought. Whatever thought came to my mind would instantly
manifest around me more vivid and real than real life. Occultists often say that
“thoughts are things.” Now I knew that they were right. The instant I thought
about anything, it would appear in crystal clarity.
I also learned why occultists call the astral body the desire/emotional body.
When you go out-of-body into the astral planes, you are confronted head-on with
all your subconscious fears and desires, as in the following OBE.
I’m lucid and as I look around me, I see a grocery store coalesce into
pristine reality. I am able to contain my destructive impulses [normally I break
everything I can find], and instead I whip open the glass freezer door and pull out
a large-sized container of Neapolitan ice cream. I tear off the cap and using two
fingers, scoop out a portion and eat it. It tastes cool and very chocolatey, with
strawberry and vanilla. I can taste each flavor distinctly. The ice cream melts in
my mouth. As I swallow it, it seems to disappear halfway down my throat.
Amazed by how good the ice cream tastes, I start bingeing. I scoop out bite
after bite and put it in my mouth. It tastes so incredibly good and totally real. It’s
not very cold, but there is a definite subtle coolness. The taste is also slightly
subdued, but still very delicious.
I continue gorging until the entire container is nearly gone. I am laughing
because I can eat as much as I want and have no ill effects. (12/31/95)
Even today, my desire body still sometimes takes control and I attempt to
destroy everything around me, create huge feasts or have wild sex. Afterwards –
with my desire body satiated – I am able to move on to more noble pursuits.
There are many fascinating experiments that one can conduct while out-ofbody.
I had always been interested in past lives and reincarnation. Because
thought is such a powerful force in the astral dimensions, all you have to do is
shout out a command with enough force and it will be enacted. I have successfully
done this several times to explore my past lives. Below is the result of one such
I’m out-of-body. I start flying upwards. There’s a shift and I’m suddenly
inside what I think is the Akashic Library. I’m in a small room. The floors, walls
and ceiling are made of glowing quartz crystal or sparkly white marble.
Everything is glowing white and dazzling with unbelievable beauty. The room is
rectangular. I think there’s somebody behind me, directing me. There’s an open
door and a hallway. But I’m too amazed by what’s on the walls to pay attention to
what’s behind me. A bunch of what look like mirrors are screens are placed
around the walls. I’m so amazed that I lift my left arm up and stare at it to see if it
will disappear. This will verify that I’m out of body. Sure enough, my arm
dissolves starting with the fingers and going downwards.
I turn back and look deeply into one of the screens. I seem all my past lives
whiz past in quick succession. The speed is intense – like flipping through a deck
of cards – way to fast for me to retain any detail. The message, however, is clear.
Although I’m not given any information about my past lives, I now know that there
have been many.
The images flit by, one after another, and then suddenly stop on one
particular image. To my amazement, this is not a past life, but a future life! At
least that’s the impression I get. In the screen I see the three-dimensional image of
a handsome man. He is bald and has the most amazing silver eyes. He seems ageless
and incredibly wise and loving. I’m wondering if he’s even from this planet.
Although he looks human, his eyes are so mesmerizing. Suddenly, I’m not sure if
he’s just an image or if I’m actually meeting him. Did we exchange words? Do I
remember kneeling in front of him and asking questions? I’m so emotionally
moved I can’t retain awareness and wake up some time later. (11/19/02)
Another experiment was saying my own name while out-of-body.
According to some of the OBE literature, saying your name in the astral
dimensions has a profound effect. I couldn’t wait to try it. When I finally
succeeded, the results were astonishing.
I feel a strong wave of lightheadedness and become lucid. I feel very dizzy
and light. I become a little confused. I see people around me and explain to them
that I’m lucid. Suddenly I realize the uselessness of trying to convince dream
characters, and I feel a slight increase in awareness.
Time to experiment! I remember that something amazing is supposed to
happen if you say your name while out-of-body. I say out loud, “My name is
Preston Dennett.”
There’s a shift and I find myself outside in a field in the country. It’s
nighttime and the sky is filled with bright stars. I examine the night sky and am
shocked to see the most astronomical display I’ve ever seen. Huge fireballs are
crisscrossing the night sky. It’s a fantastic meteor shower. The effect is incredible
and I’m totally awestruck.
I fly upwards and into the sky. I keep going until suddenly there’s a shift
and I’m in another dimension. I’m surrounded by millions of tiny, shiny golden
flakes. It’s like being inside a sphere filled with gold glitter. It is indescribably
beautiful. I feel absolutely fantastic.
There’s another shift and I end up in a place I can’t quite remember.
Another experiment that proved to be very interesting was searching for my
higher self or God. Many other astral travelers speak of visiting higher dimensions
and having encounters of this kind. This sounded like great fun and feeling up to
the challenge, I was determined to reach for the stars.
I am out-of-body. After conducting a number of experiments I remember
that I wanted to try calling on God. With all the will I can muster, I say forcefully
and out loud, “I want to see my God!” Suddenly I feel my astral body gripped by
an extremely powerful force, and I am quickly whisked straight upwards and
through the ceiling. The shock is so great that I instantly lose consciousness. I
wake up sometime later feeling incredible refreshed and totally energized.
The main reason I learned out-of-body travel was to make contact with my
mother and prove to myself that there is life after death. Just one trip out-of-body
had pretty much convinced me that we can survive without the body. But I was
still obsessed with finding out where my mother lived on the “other side.” Often,
when I was out-of-body, I would call her name. On several occasions, we have
had intensely joyful reunions.
I am lucid. I leap out of my body and fly into my living room. To my shock
and delight, there is somebody standing in the center of the room. I realize
instantly that this is a real person and not a mental projection. It is a beautiful
black woman. She is wearing a nice dress and has long tight braids, large dark
eyes and a wide smile. She is looking straight at me. I feel like I know her and
love her, but I have no idea who she is. She smiles at me with a hint of mischief,
grabs my shoulders, spins me around and pushes me forcefully through the wall.
I stumble forward and pop through the wall and into another place. I fly
around and conduct a few experiments until I remember that I want to try and visit
my mother. I shout out, “Mom! Mother!”
Instantly, she appears. I am electrified with happiness. I am also amazed
by her appearance. She looks about twenty-five years old, younger than me. Her
hair is light brown instead of dark. She is smiling and is as happy as I am at the
reunion. We come together and hug. The feeling of love is intense.
She looks at me as if to say, “I’ve got a surprise for you!” She takes me by
the hands and pulls me upwards. We are flying together, hand-in-hand, at high
speeds. I have no idea where we’re going but I’m excited to find out.
Suddenly, there’s a shift and we are sitting in an American luxury car. My
mother is driving and I’m in the passenger seat. I’m amazed by its sudden
appearance and my mom is laughing.
Then I’m immediately transfixed by what I see outside. It is the strangest
landscape I have ever seen. The entire ground is completely covered with smooth,
fist-sized brown stones. The terrain stretches out into hills and flat plains for
miles, but all of it is the same. The effect is stunning. There’s no place like this on
Earth. I am wondering where we are and where we are going. My mom looks at
me and smiles as if to say, “Just wait.”
We travel along the thin, winding road through the rocky landscape for a
few more moments when suddenly there’s a shift. We are in a different place. The
car is gone and we are standing at the edge of a small field of green grass. In the
distance is a lush forest, mountains, and green rolling hills. There is a small creek
running along the edge of the pasture. There are no signs of civilizations.
The scene is straight out of a postcard and looks absolutely beautiful. The
sky is glowing brightly, and everything is in brilliant color. I feel incredibly great
and free. I can’t ever remember being in a better mood. Even the air itself seems
to sparkle with love and good cheer. I never want to leave this place. I recognize
the feeling and remember having been here before. This is what many people call
the Heavenly realms. I am totally elated. It feels like a summer morning and all
my problems have been swept away in a tide of total bliss.
Mom takes my hands and we lift up and fly across the field. We keep flying
until we reach the edge of the pasture. We land next to the creek. My mom looks
at me with a glint of mischief in her eyes. Then she jumps into the creek and pulls
me in after her.
I laugh as we fall into the creek. As the water spills over me, I become
fascinated by its feeling and texture. It feels totally real, cool and refreshing, but it
doesn’t get me the slightest bit wet! It just drips instantly off my body.
My mom is laughing at my bewilderment. She reaches down and grabs a
giant strand of algae and flings it at me. It hits me square in the face. I am
shocked. This is just like her to surprise me. I pull off the algae and am again
amazed that it doesn’t leave me dirty. My mom laughs and flings another piece at
me. It hits me in the chest and neck.
Okay, this is war! I reach down, grab a handful and hurl it at her body.
Even though I know it won’t hurt her, I’m afraid to hit her in the face. She,
however, has no such qualms and flings another piece. The algae fight goes on for
a few more minutes until we are both rolling with laughter.
I am so happy. My mom looks at me and raises her eyebrows as if to say,
“Just wait, you haven’t seen anything yet.” It’s like we have a telepathic link and
we don’t need words.
She grabs me by the hand and we start flying upwards. Our speed increases
when suddenly, there’s another shift or a barrier, and we pop through it into
another place.
We are in a place of such incredible sacred pure beauty that I am completely
humbled and in awe. Surrounding us is a landscape of pure white crystal,
stretching for miles and miles in every direction. I can see everything in
panoramic detail. The crystals are all shapes and sizes, but they are all shades of
glowing white. Some are translucent, some are opaque. Some are shining with an
incredible brilliance. Some are very tiny like grains of sand. Others are the size of
houses. Some are reflecting, others seem to be emitting light.
I am amazed by the quality of my vision. Not only is it panoramic, but I have
the capability to zoom in on any crystal, no matter how distant, and examine it as if
it were close-up. I am delighted by this newfound ability and I pick various distant
crystals and closely examine their facets.
This place is incredible. I have never seen anything so beautiful in all my
life. No one would ever believe that such a place even existed. The feeling of cool
pure peace is all encompassing. If I thought the pastoral place we just left was
Heavenly, this place feels like Nirvana.
My mom is looking at me patiently, and is obviously highly amused by my
awe of and reverence for this for this fantastic place. She is sitting perched on one
of the larger crystals, sitting very regally as she did when she was alive. She is
kind of joking with me, saying, “Surprised you, didn’t I? What do you think of this
I can only smile and shake my head. Now that she has my attention, she
again raises her eyebrows and smiles, as if to say, “Watch this!”
“Oh, no,” I think, “Here we go again!”
She laughs and points to a cluster of small crystals right next to us. I look at
where she’s pointing and watch in utter astonishment as the crystals in this small
area suddenly turn bright orange. The orange patch is about two or three feet in
diameter, and is darkest orange in the center.
I look at her, amazed. That was a neat trick. She smiles and motions for me
to taste it. “Taste it?” I think, incredulously.
She nods and motions again, smiling. I reach down and scoop up a handful
of the orange crystals and put them in my mouth. I am instantly overcome by an
incredible and unique sensation. The crystals start popping and squirting in my
mouth. They taste more like orange than any orange I have ever tasted. The
flavor is so strong, so sweet, so pure. They kind of sizzle and pop in my mouth,
exploding with intense orange flavor. The taste is almost electrically orange. I
look at my mom and pour out my thanks to her.
She smiles and takes me by the hand. It’s time to go back. We fly downward
and we end up at the pastoral Heavenly realm. There are other people walking in
couples or small groups along sidewalks or pathways. There are grassy green
hills covered with flowers and little pathways crisscrossing the area.
Everybody is incredibly happy and serene. It’s impossible to be in a bad
mood in this place. We walk along the pathways for a short distance then sit down
on one of the benches. I look at my mom and study her appearance. She looks so
incredibly young.
She is laughing again at my expression. She then points to the sky and says,
“Look!” Written in white fluffy clouds are the words, “Love you! Love you! Love
I laugh with delight and pour my love back out to her. We hug and suddenly
I know it’s time for me to say goodbye. Although I don’t want to leave, I’m so
happy that it doesn’t matter. It’s time for me to go.
There’s a shift and I’m suddenly flying down a tight, bright tunnel at
supersonic speeds. Another shift, and I pop out in a strange room. I quickly
manifest a dream journal and write down the experience. I realize that I have
shifted down a dimension or body and I need to carefully record all the details of
the experience or I will forget it. Once I have all the details fixed in my mind, I lie
down on a dream-bed and try to wake up.
I then go through a series of false-awakenings. Each time, I pause and
carefully recall and memorize the experience. I am happy because I know I am
remembering pretty much everything. This happens four or five times, and each
time I go through the same process of recall.
Finally, I wake up and look around me. Am I really awake? It takes me a
second to get my bearings. Yes, I’m in my bedroom. The whole experience floods
into my mind. I start crying as I carefully recall all the details. I am so
exhilarated. I can’t remember ever feeling so refreshed and rejuvenated. It feels
like pure energy is pulsing through my body. I am so happy. (03/02/97)
After projecting for nearly twenty years, I have had more than a thousand
conscious OBEs. I have explored the physical world, traveled into the astral
dimensions, visited deceased loved ones, learned about my past lives, encountered
spirit guides and my higher self, studied in the Akashic Library, basked in the
Light, had amazing healing encounters and more. These experiences have totally
transformed my life.
The best thing about astral projection is that anybody can do it. You don’t
need any special skills. All you need is the time and the desire. The steps to get
out-of-body are actually very simple.
STEP ONE: PHYSICAL RELAXATION. Lie down and relax your body until
you feel sensations of heaviness, lightness, numbness, vertigo or vibrations. If you
don’t feel one or more of these sensations you are not relaxed enough. You should
be able to relax to the point where you cannot feel your body.
STEP TWO: MENTAL RELAXATION. Allow the thoughts in your mind to
become quiet. We all have a constant mind chatter. Turn your attention inward,
away from your body and to your thoughts. Allow them to pass and become quiet.
You want to get to the point where you are just about to fall asleep and the
thoughts in your mind turn into images.
STEP THREE: VISUALIZATION. Visualize, imagine, intend, desire and
remember to go out of body. See yourself existing outside of your body. Imagine
your astral body leaving your physical body. Firmly set your intention to have an
OBE. Tell yourself, “I will go out of body!”
There are numerous different visualizations that will help you to leave your
body. Below are five effective techniques.
ONE: RUNNING. Imagine or visualize yourself running as fast as you can. If
you are sufficiently relaxed you will run right out of your body.
TWO: SPINNING. Imagine yourself spinning. This will move your astral body
out of phase with your physical body and propel you out of body.
THREE: BOAT. Imagine yourself sitting on the bow of a boat in the waves,
moving up and down. If you are sufficiently relaxed, this will lift you out of body.
FOUR: ROPE. Visualize a rope hanging above you. Imagine yourself climbing
up it, pulling yourself up out of your body.
FIVE: ROLL OUT. Imagine yourself rocking back and forth and just rolling,
stepping or falling out of bed. This is probably the most common method used by
That’s all there is to it. There are no dangers of possession, or getting lost or
going out too far, or not being able to get back. The truth is, everybody astrally
projects every night as they dream, they just don’t remember! The only real major
obstacles are laziness and fear. Once these are overcome, the universe is yours!
The benefits of astral projection are inestimable. And anybody can do it.
You don’t need any special qualifications to partake of the infinite joy, freedom,
knowledge and power of the out-of-body experience.
Give it a try. I think you can do it!